Brown/Rusty Spots, Hydro with Pics


Well-Known Member
Ive read some of the stickys here on this forum but most pics are out-dated. Anyone diagnos the problem?

Had a high EC/PH for a few days, doesnt look like nute burn though. No signs of bugs yet... In a fairly clean closet.

Current PH is 5.5 and EC is .4
Using Stealth Hydro nutes (50 grow/ 50 micro)
Distilled water at 72-83 degrees
2 85w CFLs 1-3 inches away from plants (not warm to touch from plant's leaves)

Day 14 04.jpgDay 14 05.jpg


Well-Known Member
How do i flush them? Run 5.5 distilled 0ppm for a week? Ive got newer greener leaves growing.... Still could be a nute lock out though u think?


Well-Known Member
Possible nute burn? How many ppm's? From seed they don't need any ppm's the first week second week maybe 150-200 ppm. I ph my water to 5.8 this in a hillbilly hydro set up:lol: 100% rock wool



Well-Known Member
I had them at a WAY to high PH/PPM at first. If Ive corrected both of these... shall I just wait to see if it gets worse? More pics to follow.


Well-Known Member
I'll take what is nute burn for a thousand Alex.
If you corrected your ph you should be right as rain.
Tell me, why do people always overfert young plants without established root systems?


Well-Known Member
I used the wrong conversion. Its my first grow and I used the wrong ppm readings, 400ppm apparently isnt 400ppm for all meters. So I switched to using EC =P, .4 EC with a PH from 5-6.5...... PH sticks claim its 5.25-5.6ish but my meter says 6.6-7.5 which CANT be right.

So Dannyboy, these spots are SEVERE nute burn? Most nute burn I see just wilts and yellows the edge of the leaf. I havnt seen decayed spots like this.


Well-Known Member
honestly buddy i dont grow in hydro. i just saw symptoms that looked framiliar. i don't think it's severe enough to kill your plants. it just stunts their growth a bit and slows ya down so to speak.