brown roots


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have started my first DWC grow, been doing soil and hempy. anyways I am already hooked on DWC, my plants are beautiful, and EXPLODING. My question though is this, my roots were white as snow a few weeks ago. I left for a one week vacation, came back to an almost empty 5 gallon bucket, and brown roots. I imediatly filled up a fresh bucket, proper nutes and ph, and transplanted. Well the plants doing great, still growing, showing no signs of stress, but the roots are still brown. How can I clean this up, and will this continue to get worse? I was thinking about adding some hydrogen peroxide in my next res change this weekend. Any suggestions? I am on week 1 of flower and dont want to loose this girls. They could easily be my best grow yet. Thanks


Well-Known Member
You can try H2o2 or dose them with zone. You have root rot..or at least it sounds like it. Does it smell weird?


Well-Known Member
no, no smell. I used some h202 and changed res. the plants are doing great still, I think ill change the res 2twice a week for a while. What is zone?


Active Member
Good luck, I just lost my second plant two nights ago over the same thing. Perfect ph and temp, no stress sign, no over nuted. They very slowly died over a week and half. I'm lost too??

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
What's the water temp? Water should be a bit chilly, and a treatment is a must.

I've used H2O2 with limited success. Just switched to DNF Hydro Sparkle, seems to really do the job (fighting slime and keeping roots white).

Good luck


New Member
Pathogens and shit build up in the water over a few days... same thing as if you leave a glass of water out a few days, no way you would drink that shit. DWC is unique because the roots are constantly submerged in the water, so you need to use something to keep them from taking over and killing your plants. You can use a sterilizer like h2o2, bleach, zone, or a whole list of other shit... or use benes like aquashield or great white etc.

Also make sure you have a good amount of bubbles, water temp less than 70* F and no light leaks... that will help create an environment hard for pathogens to thrive in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, the h202 has done wonders, so hopefully they stay that way. Just started flowering and I dont want to loose them. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I don't think your roots are brown because of root rot, but you haven't provided pictures so i'm not sure the level of brown you mean. I would say from my experience roots left out in the air turn yellow then brown and eventually die.

Its called air pruning. Keep your water level 1-2inches below your netpot to start and don't let it get past 6 inches of root exposed.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Treatment is not a must!!!!! I have added nothing to my reservoir but duct tape to the outside, vinegar, fox farm nutes, airstone and my pant.

What's the water temp? Water should be a bit chilly, and a treatment is a must.

I've used H2O2 with limited success. Just switched to DNF Hydro Sparkle, seems to really do the job (fighting slime and keeping roots white).

Good luck

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
^^^Too many of these children on RIU. It's sad when you just let people know what you're doing and someone jumps in with shit flowing from the mouth.