Brown leaves


Well-Known Member
:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:Before any one tells me to look at the pictures I have and I can't nail it down to one that fits. This is my 3rd crop. The 1st was perfect. 2nd and 3rd, this one.
Followed same routine all three times
Leaves start turning brown/yellow at tips, then edges and eventually the whole leaf turns brown and dies.

Using More Buds for Less
4 plants
Mini grow room
Plants are 3 week old
Miracle grow potting soil
Recipe for Success starter kit



Well-Known Member
They are burning mate, there must be time release nutes in the soil. I'm in hydro but would recon that you are supposed to have a certain amount of run off whit that soil at each watering. I would check into that. Hopefully some sol guys will chime in :)

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
They are burning mate, there must be time release nutes in the soil. I'm in hydro but would recon that you are supposed to have a certain amount of run off whit that soil at each watering. I would check into that. Hopefully some sol guys will chime in :)

Good luck!

Funny how all went well the 1st time. Any way hope fully tomorrow I can get some plain soil and transplant them.


Well-Known Member
I used soil with time released fertilizer and MG, i just flushed them a couple of times with tap water then water once every 2 days and so far mine are looking good, soil with time released and MG = bad combo, and stay off the fertilizer for a while.
Some more advice i was given was to get the PH to 6.5-7 and to use some Clerex or Florakleen to flush the pots.


Well-Known Member
I used soil with time released fertilizer and MG, i just flushed them a couple of times with tap water then water once every 2 days and so far mine are looking good, soil with time released and MG = bad combo, and stay off the fertilizer for a while.
Some more advice i was given was to get the PH to 6.5-7 and to use some Clerex or Florakleen to flush the pots.

I know flushing is the normal way to go, but I tried that last time with poor results.
Any way I went out and got some good top soil and swapped them over this morning. I have to say for plants that are only 4 inches tall the root system was huge. I lost a lot of them, hopefully they recover. I will keep every one informed.



Well-Known Member
MG pre-nutes use osmocote and cannot really be "flushed" from the dirt . . . in fact, keeping this soil too wet would tend to release more ferts than needed and burn tender young plants not used to MG soil.
For the soil to work as designed, follow the directions on the bag re:watering.


Well-Known Member
sure looks like a classic K deficiency as well as start of P-very classic-given there are nutes in the soil, either you flushed em out or your ph is waay low, too acidic therefore leading to lockout.


Well-Known Member
sure looks like a classic K deficiency as well as start of P-very classic-given there are nutes in the soil, either you flushed em out or your ph is waay low, too acidic therefore leading to lockout.

Definately not low Ph, 7.3 sometimes 6.2, never lower.