brown/blak tips and edges, leaf curling +rep


Active Member
my plant is about 1+ month old but has bein growing slow due to abusive conditions i rescued it from.

sum of the old white tips and sides sum are yellow on lower branches, are starting to turn brown and black also some kinda of a bronze coler...

only a couple lower leaves witch used to be yellow now are turning black around edges

i checked almost every leavefor bugs
then sprayed under the leaves with SuperThrive misting solution.

one of the leaves that curles downward like a cooked taco shell contains brownish bronzish edges on leaves which used to be white. there is also 2 little bronzish slits along vein on this leaf.

i will award rep for help....
please help
IT sounds like dead leaf matter just trim it down anything that is not green and you should be alright.It can be answered better if u have some pics.


Active Member
how much light is it getting?
what nutes are u using?
PH level?
it is outdoor getting about 14-6/10-8

im not using any nutes yet but i did use before and lfushed, and it started to look better but one leaf that turning goldish is now starting was one of most damaged ones by nute burn