just an update, The time here is 12 am oct 7 I took these pics ten minutes ago.
I added the tea Sunday afternoon around 5pm so everything you see is 3 days 7 hours since the tea was introduced.
This is more growth than the past three weeks combined. thought I would add these pics to further doccument the treatment of this dissease so that anyone else who gets it will know exactly how to get rid of it. And what to expect while they recover.

Also, I added one cup per res today just like the recipe said, and the issues I was having with the ph and PPM being off were actually faulty pens, the Hydro shop replaced them today free of charge.
Right now my ph is between 5.5-5.6 and PPMs are around 540 total tap water with starting ppm of 140+ 400PPM nutes.
I have also added frozen coke bottles to the res now, which in concert with the duct insulation and mylar wrapped around the buckets are keep temps down. they go from ruffly 68f and rises to about 72 right before lights out.
I am going to use the bennies as a foliar spray tonight once lights out comes here in about 45 min to see if it makes a noticeable diffrence in the apperance of the leaves, as some as still yellow, and on one of my NYPDs the leaves are still droopy.
temps in the tent have been staying in the high 70s to 82 max.
well thats all for tonight, happy reading, hope you enjoy the pic, happy growing.
and remember,...
Take it sleazy greazy and easy, if it's easy then take that shit TWICE!