BrotherJ's first bag seed grow!


Well-Known Member
OK, not really bag seed in the traditional sense, but I did pull the two seeds from a little ziplock bag with a label showing "Afghani Peshawar". However, it seems that it will be like a bag seed grow in that I have no f'in clue what kind of plants I will end up with, because it seems Malberry screwed some folks a year ago, in particular, Holy Smoke Sedes. So Afghani Peshawar is supposed to look like this

But lo and behold, Sour Jack from Karma Genetics looks like this

So will I be getting Sour Jack, Afghani Peshawar, or just some totally fucked up strain?

I'm personally hoping for something worthwhile, but I grew out some Nepali Rhukum from Holy Smoke (via Malberry) and it was my worst grow to date. 120 days and total shit weed.

Wish me luck, just dropped the seeds (2) in soil earlier today.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be the shortest grow ever. Or shortest no grow. Neither one of the seeds has poked its head above the soil, been 7 days. I'm typically in the 90% germ rate, this will hurt my average.


Active Member
Good detective work finding the ad pic rip job. Just can't believe that there's such deceit in the contraband business... :wink: