Brootal Mold

I germed these 2 Automatic Haze about 6 days ago. On the 4th day the soil I am using is rapidly growing this white mold at the root zone. I am not sure if this is going to be a good thing or if I should just toss em and start over with some soil that hasnt been in my humid garage for ages. Btw I live on the gulf cost of texas where it is humid year round so i can see why the soil could have gotten moldy by sitting around in my garage. I am 50/50 on tossing it.



Well-Known Member
if you don't water it as much and let it dry right out you won't get mold growth...but using a fresh batch of soil isn't a bad idea either...

To tell if the soil has dried out sufficiently you should be able to lift the pot and tell the weight...if you are watering it daily you probably are overwatering it and keeping that top layer of soil moist will lead to mold growth :)
I watered the soil really before I put the newly germed seeds in, but have not since. Today the soil is drying up, the mold looks less intense than it did. I will be bringing in 7 feminized bubblegum kush seedlings with new store bought soil tonight. I guess what I want to figure out is if I keep the contaminated plants around, would I be endangering the rest of my plants which are full term and yield so much more than the autos? My avatar is a pic of the bubblegum kush, its the bomb yielder and i do not want to mess up any promise of taking them full term just because I wanted to get some early smoke off the autos.


Active Member
Mold on the soil is not necessarily bad. There are some good fungi. I actually think I remember reading on a fox farms FAQ that it could even be expected. Keeping that in mind while the mold may or may not be bad the conditions in which it prospers can be bad.
Thats pretty much why I havent tossed them already. Ive seen Myco soil additives. Also I use molasses, the growth could be a good thing. my concern is that there is so much visible growth. I dunno its 6 in one hand half a dozen in the other.