Broken Stems, Are You Kidding Me?

OHES NOES. im scurred. a mighty keyboard warrior. tell me one reason "dro" cannot be pollinated. that's right. you can't. do you even understand the process of reproduction of marijuana? nope again. go back to school kid, you're failing at life.

ps. i peed in your moms butt.
oh yeah keyboard warrior hahah yeah tell that to a martial artist, who trains to kill people yall arent worth my time,yall are waste of sperm waste of space in the earth,ur a old bum ass nigga who smokes weed has no job ur ugly ur face is fucked up looking like granny tits,and much more bitch and that goes for ur old loser friends to and the owner of this forum telling people they dont got knowledge u cant even take care of a fucking seedling,u fucking retarted fuck
ok, first of all to everyone saying that dank weed doesnt have the hell do you expect it to be grown the next year. also there is no such thing as "regular marijuana" that probably one of the dumbest things ive ever heard. clearly weed without seeds is better, however any weed can get seedy if it is pollinated therefore it could be the dankest strain in the world and still get seeds. half the people commenting here are either totally stoned off their asses of retarted, either way dont comment if you dont know what youre taking about

-to 420man, toasty cookies, kulong and tokinmann yes, they also did get pretty stretchy because of the lack of light at the kids house, but they snapped because they literally fell onto the floor haha. anyways i appreciate the advice from you four, i cant post pics of the breaks cause they are already under soil now, but it is like someone bent of crimped/ folded the stem, ya know? not just droopy. the leaves look like they are developing well enough, they just had sud-par conditions for their first week, now that they are back in my hands they should be getting the light, food, water and TLC they need.

so you added more soil to cover the breaks or whatever? what kind of light were you using to sprout them, and was that the reason for the stretching? always remember to take pics, it makes helping a LOT easier. good luck.
oh yeah keyboard warrior hahah yeah tell that to a martial artist, who trains to kill people yall arent worth my time,yall are waste of sperm waste of space in the earth,ur a old bum ass nigga who smokes weed has no job ur ugly ur face is fucked up looking like granny tits,and much more bitch and that goes for ur old loser friends to and the owner of this forum telling people they dont got knowledge u cant even take care of a fucking seedling,u fucking retarted fuck

i have more facebook friends than you.
ok like i started them in those jiffy pots in a windowsill only for the first week. now they are planted in nice big pots and yes i mad sure the break is below the surface of the soil.They will be getting proper sun from now on, and so to answer your questions haha they were stretching because of inadequate light.
dude if u get some pot from the streets and its dro it does not have seeds,ur stupid man u got less knowledge then me,oh did ur fagget friend bring u here to talk shit to me,yall wouldnt do that in real life,ill break yall cheekbones,ima just leave it up to yall to this ungrathful noob that owns this forum and yall help him out,peace losers

Look kid, "dro" means "hydroponics" which is a way of growing it. If you get a hermie in your room, your "dro" plants will have seeds
PeacefulKid1992 you just made my day hahahah!!
please keep the comments coming lol i need to learn more about this dank dro you growing that can not be pollinated. id say ill buy some seeds but i guess thats put of the question. maybe a clone? hahah
Your plants will be fine, if you have any stems severely broken you can literally duct tape them back together. Even if not it will still be fine, you basically trained the plant it will actually put more vertical stems up. If the stem broke off the plant will grow 2 or more stems at the break. In other word's everything is fine, you just added a little extra time to your grow is all, but you may even get a better yield.

I do actually super-crop some of my strains, which is pinching the stem so its kinda "mushy"(basically so it doesnt break off when you bend it) then bending it over so its horizontal. The bent over horizontal stem then creates several new vertical stems that grow off of it towards the light. I do this to create a more even canopy to get maximum use from my light. Dro guy you have no clue what you are talking about. that makes like 4 random ppl telling you this you might want to stop now.
Dro doesn't have seeds? Lets look at the origin of this word:
Dro originally stood for hydro, it's now how "niggas" describe good sensimilla (seedless female flowers). Other words used: soohwee, grapes, bomb bomb biggy, etc.
Dro could have seeds in it, but most indoor hydro growers nowadays stick to females and clones and thus dro became synonymous with sensimilla. Sure on the streets it's fine to say that dro means sensimilla because "niggas be ignant," but dro's actual definition has nothing to do with sensimilla.
Your plants will be fine, if you have any stems severely broken you can literally duct tape them back together. Even if not it will still be fine, you basically trained the plant it will actually put more vertical stems up. If the stem broke off the plant will grow 2 or more stems at the break. In other word's everything is fine, you just added a little extra time to your grow is all, but you may even get a better yield.

I do actually super-crop some of my strains, which is pinching the stem so its kinda "mushy"(basically so it doesnt break off when you bend it) then bending it over so its horizontal. The bent over horizontal stem then creates several new vertical stems that grow off of it towards the light. I do this to create a more even canopy to get maximum use from my light. Dro guy you have no clue what you are talking about. that makes like 4 random ppl telling you this you might want to stop now.

YEah I am totally with this, if your a cash cropper and on a sched. or want production now then it sets you back a week or 2 of veg.

A mild break, do not break the surface tissue, think breaking your arm, bending it sideways and holding it there without breaking the skin, then arm heals ( that is supercropping ) I just did this to one of the clones I brought home last week, like a week ago today literally my roommate and his "professional grower" buddy think I am tripping and killed the plant. Its now got 4 new "cola" stems and has grown another 6 inchs horizantally and curves like a sideways L as the tip to bend back up for the light at the main cola.

Remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, same holds true for cannabis plants to an extent.


I am sick of hearing that stuff, some people "hustlas" and the "money making bosses" know everything bout everything loud mouth ignorant fools...... some of the most wealth smartest most set for life and sometimes also gangster people I know also tend to be the most humble, low key, modest, laid back people...... not someone banging in da hood, poppin bottles, or doin time. But with a brain that small and ego that big...... WHY DA F*CK SHOULD I LISTIN TO UR DUM AZZ?! YOU OLD AND BROKE LIVIN IN STICKS
hey if yall get dro with seeds thats just yall dumbasses that get sold fake dro, u are really an idiot,seedy weed is regular marijuana
for someone stating to be smart ur very dumb.. lol if u get seeds in good pot... more then likely.. some1 had a plant hermi and polinate the bud.. ive had way better weed then regs.. with a seed here and there.. funny though.. cause ive gotten some of the Best mendo purps.. and for some reason .. at like 7-8 weeks into harvest will have little bananas shoot out .. and will for a couple seeds.. its called self polinating.. its trying to save it self before it knows its going to get choppped. do some research before saying something that u dont even know if its true or not.. cause good weed can get seeds many ways also.. u go have a male plant. get a little pollen in room.. u could b growing the most banging weed.. but mite get seeds in every grow if ur room is contamiated with male pollen..
funny too. ccause if u paying 400 a zip for anything.. besides... if u go to and look on sweet blue genes/ blueberry spongecake.. the purps g force and mango.. and sour ds.. from the Guy on that site called Alone.. thats the only weed ill even come close to payin that much for.. and that shit is fuckin rediculous.. the grown flushed and cured weed ive ever had in my entire life
Ok so i germinated and sprouted 22 plants all looked great i had to leave for a week so i left them to a friend to watch...huge mistake. haha anyways i get back get my plants back, it turns out they fell somehow and there is only 12 remaining alive, and almost all have broken stems, like crimped of folded, needless to say i am livid. anyways i have moved on and am just trying to do the best with what i have, ive planted them all into big pots outside, direct sunlight and they are all looking good and still growing, i planted them in the new soil kinda deep so that the break is below the soil to they arent falling over, they seem to be doing alright and still growing, no withering or dying, my question is will they just end up sending out roots from the parts underground and heal the broken parts and be fine? im hoping so, i mean plants are pretty resilient for the most part but does anyone have experience with broken stems? help a fellow grower out+REP

Depends. I think you should have taken the broken stems, cut them up to six inch pieces and dipped them in rooting hormone and potted them up. mist them alot, nuture them. you could have had clones. but the branch that you buried with soil, I think it could go either way. mb even die. i could say a prayer to saint jude...the patron saint of lost but good luck with that
yea, of so its been a few days now with great sun and a nice rain storm, they are all looking great, with new growth, the leaves are getting bigger, new sets are coming in, and the stems are getting thicker and sturdier. all seems to be well i the pot garden.