Broken stem in flower


So I was taking photo and accidentally snapped a branch at the stem... I'm so pissed!!

Was originally going to post asking if she looks OK but now I'm asking if this is gong to be a little bad or VERY BAD...

First grow.
This plant is bag Seed that autoflowered on me. Started flowering on Fri Aug 30th. Watered yesterday about 1 gallon with fox farm trio and call mag. 3rd of recommended amount.. ppm run off was 930. Going in was about 270 i think... ph 6.5

Was a tad worried about bottom yellowing leaves but isn't that somewhat normal??

And for the snapped branch...I put something under it to sort of press it against the connection at the stem.. should I try to do something else like wrap it ( not sure if I'd be able to)
If that branch is a goner I hope the rest is OK. Although I'm assuming this stress will significantly affect end result...



Well-Known Member
It'll be fine. Here's a pic of a bud I accidentally broke. It was hanging together by a thread. Taped together with some masking tape. 3 weeks later it is growing fine. You can see a bit of the blue masking tape.
It's in a tough to reach to wrap tape around position if you know what I mean. I will try masking tape maybe after work...

Was reading since people just cut it.... as a beginner I have no clue which is best... leave it. Tape it or cut it....

Either way how does the plant look in general for 3 weeks of flower? Are the yellowing leaves a concern right now?


Well-Known Member
It's in a tough to reach to wrap tape around position if you know what I mean. I will try masking tape maybe after work...

Was reading since people just cut it.... as a beginner I have no clue which is best... leave it. Tape it or cut it....

Either way how does the plant look in general for 3 weeks of flower? Are the yellowing leaves a concern right now?
They look pretty normal. A few yellowing leaves are normal as they start to flower.