Broken stalk


Well-Known Member
Stalk broke at 1 of 2 main stalks. Used electrical tape and didn't like it to much. Tried zip ties and it came back together really good. Should I paint something over the wound to help it heal?20210918_224528.jpg


Well-Known Member
Now that it's being held together, I think you've done everything you can do. Sometimes people apply a little honey before attaching the two ends back together, but right now it's a game of wait and see


Well-Known Member
My guess is it won't ever heal to sufficient strength, these annual plants generally don't live long enough, just a few months. I suppose you could use grafting tape, which is kind of like wax, but I'd want it under the zip tie, and I don't think it'd be a good idea to remove the zip tie at this point. Your fix seems good enough, now watch and wait and see if the branch continues growing. You might need more leverage, another tie, string, or wire up several inches higher also holding the branches together.

An alternative would be to snip it off, or even snip the main branch below the split node, then retrain remaining branches as desired, but yeah you lose some growth and associated regrowth time. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
It'll heal but the way you put it back together matters. Zip tie is ok. It'll work. I like grafting tape.better. It can stretch. Broke a large branch while placing a cage on. Wilted for a few days but bounced back just fine. Cut a peice of heavy gauge stainless steel wire to hold it straight and taped the top and bottom as well as the actual break. Shading it from hot sun or bright light for a few days helps.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. The info really help. I put some honey on it and it sealed it up pretty good. Like a lollipop. Yesterday it didn't look to happy. I was going to flip to 12/12 yesterday but this happened. I'm vegging for 1 more week or 2. Thanks again. 20210919_202933.jpg20210919_202925.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. The info really help. I put some honey on it and it sealed it up pretty good. Like a lollipop. Yesterday it didn't look to happy. I was going to flip to 12/12 yesterday but this happened. I'm vegging for 1 more week or 2. Thanks again. View attachment 4990968View attachment 4990969
It should be fine. I break branches all the time. I use soft ties, but that ziptie is working.


Well-Known Member
It'll still fix itself during flowering. I wouldnt worry too much about it grafting tape keeps it nice and moist too so i find it helps heal better. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I snapped clean off a small branch on an outdoor plant this year (Mango Sapphire) I didn’t have any hope for her but used clear tape and hoped for the best. She healed herself, flowered and will hopefully be coming down late this week or next. Also snapped one of my Sour Diesel limb’s earlier this week in my tent but seems to be healing ok after a quick taping too. These plants sure can take a beating but act fast enough, they’ll keep on ticking too