Broken/Split Stalk


Well I decided to go out, & tie my girls down to allow more sunlight to get to the center of the stalks. I by ooopsie stretched my afghan kush a bit to far, & split the stalk like a wishbone where I pinched the top. I used a zip tie to put the stalk back together (not the yarn in the pic) I was just wondering if I just killed my plant, or will it heal itself? Has this happened to anyone here before, and what was the outcome? oops.jpg


Well-Known Member
as long as you did a good job putting the stock back together it should recover I haven't split a plant that badley but I just taped it to hold the branch in place and it recovered I think you'll be fine though


Active Member
Dude your fine i have done that a few times. It will repair itself and get a big stock there where it was damaged like a big knot there. You should try to do your tying down and what not before your stalks get all woody like that.


Thanks Mon ... i zip tied it back together ... you would never know it was split (aside from the big piece of plastic holding it together)... just going to hope for the best ...Thanks again for your optimism


Active Member
I know ppl used to do this on purpose back in the 70' should be fine
Think i've heard about this, the theory was something along the lines of stressing the plant through the stalk to help production

Not sure if it actually works i've only read about it.