broken lower branches

My first grow is underway in a grow box and when adjusting the lights a support fell and broke off about 4 fan leaves and 3 other branches that were growing on the lower half of plant(plant is 18"). I am 10 days into flowering and the plant is female. I had no choice but to cut off the broken leaves/branches. Besides that she looks great. Is she going to be alright because of the shock? Is there anything else i need to keep my eye out for. Very disappointed, but optimistic. Thanks for any help/pointers
it dont matter what you cut the end its just a weed. they like stress to a sertain point. u probly didnt even need those braches on the bottomcause once they grow most of the bottom dont get enough light to mkae it worth keeping


Well-Known Member
My first grow is underway in a grow box and when adjusting the lights a support fell and broke off about 4 fan leaves and 3 other branches that were growing on the lower half of plant(plant is 18"). I am 10 days into flowering and the plant is female. I had no choice but to cut off the broken leaves/branches. Besides that she looks great. Is she going to be alright because of the shock? Is there anything else i need to keep my eye out for. Very disappointed, but optimistic. Thanks for any help/pointers
Nothing to worry about.;-)

Most of us will trim all that little shit on the bottom of the plants anyways.

And a few fan leaves, and a few branches.. not a big deal.

If the top broke off, Id be more concerned.. But, in your case its all good.

You learned a lesson..

Make sure your equipment is tight, and properly set up.

As far as the shock is concerned,
Your plant got a slight bump on the head.

Your plant will fully recover.

Dont worry, be happy!! :)