Broke 3 finger Leaf on 2nd Node


Well-Known Member
I was doing some cable management and dropped a surge protector and broke the middle leaf of a 3 finger leaf in half, stem is undamaged. The broken leaf is on the 2nd node almost at the bottom. Luckily there was no other damage whatsoever. She currently has about 6 nodes. What should I expect? I’m hoping to hear “she’ll be just fine “ but I’ve never had this happen before. She’s 25 days old. Love to hear your input.
I was doing some cable management and dropped a surge protector and broke the middle leaf of a 3 finger leaf in half, stem is undamaged. The broken leaf is on the 2nd node almost at the bottom. Luckily there was no other damage whatsoever. She currently has about 6 nodes. What should I expect? I’m hoping to hear “she’ll be just fine “ but I’ve never had this happen before. She’s 25 days old. Love to hear your input.
I have 2 cats. No problem if you have a healthy plant. Carry on.
It will be fine. Even if that entire node was doomed (which it probably isn't), it would just shock the plant a tiny bit like when you top them and then it would keep on growin. Everyone makes mistakes, the only time it's detrimental is if you like completely mangle the plant or don't find out you did something wrong soon enough. Even doomed plants can recover.
no biggie. just tape it back in place asap. you will know in short order if it heals by leave action. Will make a big knot where you broke it and be fine but you might help it with a stick support.