Broad mites

Maxman and Fiddler

Well-Known Member
howdy riu,

I've recently discovered broad mite eggs (not spider mites) on the leaves of some of my plants. I've not seen any other stages of this pest, just the eggs. I intend to finish the current grow (4 plants in soil) then bleach, bomb and scrub my area clean.
My question is, where did these come from? I start all my plants from seed and use new (roots organic) soil. My temps and humidity are always in acceptable range and I consider myself very clean. Just looking to see what I can do to avoid this when I start up again.
Thanks for any advice!

Maxman and Fiddler

Well-Known Member
Thanks, so what's my best defense coming back up? Do you just tend to live with them until they become so abundant that they start causing considerable damage? I'm not a fan of treating plants with chemicals but would be interested in products that control these pests.


Well-Known Member
I was the same way...I wanted to stay organic with my pesticides..but you are dealing with a micromite that eats organic for lunch. To kill a bug, you must learn everything about the bug i.e breeding cycle, lifespan, what it likes to do on friday nights etc. Pyrithren(spelling?) bombs work great for broad mites. bomb seasonally and you wont have them. Pest maintainance is very crucial to your grow. Plants must be inspected daily for pests and treated immediatly. Clean walls and equipment with 50/50 peroxide and water (you can use bleach , but its harmful to your health), spray and leave for 10 min then wipe up for an effective peroxide clean. You can also use ispropyl alcohol to clean equipment and hard surfaces. Then get 2 pyrithren bombs, take the flowering plants out only, bomb and do the 2nd bomb the next day. Read instructions on chemicals before use*. Do this in the spring, summer and fall. I do not recommend spraying plants that have trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Flying skull nuke em, use it anytime, it's a sure kill with broad mites and a natural fungicide.
Keep your organic status.


Well-Known Member
write them and tell them you can't find it locally (which is probably the truth, shops have to apply for territory with their products) and they may offer up a discount.
I got 40 percent off a gallon like this so I decided to try it with their nutrient lineup and got 40 percent off it too.


Well-Known Member
your fucked! nothing gets rid of these little warriors! if someone says they have something that will get rid of them they are fibbing to you! the only way I would suggest, if your set on trying to save them, put them in a small sealed room with your co2 cranked up to about 10,000 ppms for abut an hour. Suffocation!


Well-Known Member
Nuke em will kill them. Fact! I've done it. Avid, forbid, judo,azamax,and everything else doesn't. You have to spray everything top to bottom, while the lights are off. My advice is to get a pump up sprayer and follow flying skulls broad mite protocol.