Bro Science got me WINNING AGAINNN!!

He just got his first harvest and now is the pro and dr to all. He post a pic of one comment from one person who smoked his shit and gave him a somewhat decent answer. And from the looks. It seemed he was just talking about cannabis in general. Nothing pointed to his harvest. (I might be wrong).
Pics of flower. Data or stability in strain
And survey results from test subjects please and thank you.
Also. The bro science you used to achieve these results. If you can’t provide any of the info requested. Take your trash talk elsewhere and be respectful to those who actually help our community.
You pollute the planet to grow weed, but you give it all away, somehow that balances the books and makes you a good person?. Good luck with what ever you are trying to do, just stop pretending you're less of a cunt than anybody else.

Just as a joke though, Jesus tried to help the crippled, just like you, he got nailed to a cross for his efforts, and is/was mocked all over the globe by secular or other faith people for thousands of years. Now, if you can pull buds from your holy pain strain, out of a never ending magic basket, we can talk :D.
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You pollute the planet to grow weed, but you give it all away, somehow that balances the books and makes you a good person?. Good luck with what ever you are trying to do, just stop pretending you're less of a cunt than anybody else.

Just as a joke though, Jesus tried to help the crippled, just like you, he got nailed to a cross for his efforts, and is/was mocked all over the globe by secular or other faith people for thousands of years. Now, if you can pull buds from your holy pain strain, out of a never ending magic basket, we can talk :D.
This was deep. I done felt that shit
You pollute the planet to grow weed, but you give it all away, somehow that balances the books and makes you a good person?. Good luck with what ever you are trying to do, just stop pretending you're less of a cunt than anybody else.

Just as a joke though, Jesus tried to help the crippled, just like you, he got nailed to a cross for his efforts, and is/was mocked all over the globe by secular or other faith people for thousands of years. Now, if you can pull buds from your holy pain strain, out of a never ending magic basket, we can talk :D.

I feel like I should apologize, and I didn't even do nuthin'
It is clear by the way you even started this thread that you're full of shit. Why the games? You titled this thread bro science makes you win but yet you fail to mention any of your growing practice's... It's obvious you are screaming for attention so don't be surprised when people pick you apart. If you truly want credit for your accomplishments then stop all the silly bullshit And actually share something with some substance...
He may want to start with actually accomplishing something. I am thinking answering everyone's question about what Broscience he speaks of could be considered an accomplishment at this point. Just a thought.
Skip accomplishments. You should know this of all people!

Dougie + Free Seeds = Growing Clout from Noobs. You don't even have to know what you're talking about they will chant your name and gang up on people for you. It's absolutely wonderful to watch people like you do that in the community..

Unless you'd like to start listing all your accomplishments out... I think you're on the wrong forum :blsmoke:
So do these “ patients “ you give miracle pain bud to have to see you thru a mail slot of an abandoned house ?
or you just “ dip “ some bagseed joints into liquid for Sherm sticks ( street medicine ) ?

That bagged seed swag is probably the magic strain … as brick is always sprayed with god knows what.
There’s the “ bro science “ ….. “ hey bro … I got 5 on it “

Watson : “ Holmes … you’ve done it again ! “
Me ( lighting pipe ) : “ Indeed my good man …. Indeed . It was quite elementary “
You’ll never know because that’s how he rolls.

he posts a provocative title and waits For people to enter so that he can call them trolls when they ask him to explain how he’s managed to create a strain and stabilise it within 6 months.
Damnt I was wanting to know the trick
What I find funniest about this thread besides the fact that this guy named a bagseed after himself then had the gall to spout all sorts of pseudoscience BS about the exceptional pain relieving quality of said bagseed, is that he's simultaneously proud of his "broscience" grow methods. It's a two for one thread! Look guys, I produced these substandard buds with my own poop and matchsticks! Wait, I'm not done!! THEN he says he relieved the pain of people across his state! That a huge quantity of buds, you must have taken a lot of dumps to produce all that, I hope people are paying you enough to support a daily Taco Bell regimen.

Do you want to know why people are going hard after you guy? Because half the people here are in real pain and you are insulting the intelligence of every one of them. This place is full of EXCELLENT growers, people who are ACTUAL plant breeders and horticulturists, who study the latest in ACTUAL grow science, are you really so conceited that you think we can't instantly tell what a dingus you are? This seems like a cheap play to promote a seed scam.