Bringing humidity up and temps down


New Member
What’s the best way to achieve this?? Would a cool mist humidifier work for this?? On my first indoor grow, in veg, humidity is usually between 45-55 and temps between 75-85f
45-55% RH isn't too bad for veg at all, so a humidifier should bump you up that little bit extra just dandy. It would be best if you could get your temp down to 82F at the high end if you can, especially heading into summer when temperatures will rise.
So adding a humidifier would increase my humidity and I’d be able to run my exhaust fan higher which in turn should help to bring down my temp??
Bringing down the temperature should automatically increase the humidity. If it were me I wouldn’t worry so much about the humidity, as I would about those temps in the 80s.
Bringing down the temperature should automatically increase the humidity. If it were me I wouldn’t worry so much about the humidity, as I would about those temps in the 80s.
And the best way to lower my temps would be?? Is ac pretty much the only way achieve this??
And the best way to lower my temps would be?? Is ac pretty much the only way achieve this??

If you're having temperature issues and can't keep them under control with what you have now, you will need AC for when the summer comes, so start your AC research for your grow area size yesterday.
If you're having temperature issues and can't keep them under control with what you have now, you will need AC for when the summer comes, so start your AC research for your grow area size yesterday.
Awesome man, thanks a lot, not really a surprise, I figured I would have temp problems