bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

we'll see. im gonna shut my mouth & give it about a week. and if something doesnt change, im moving out & the baby will simply live at my moms house with me.
there is no way that i will stay with him if he doesnt think that my child (and his) doesnt need to come first in his life. i want the best for my child and i dont want to risk anything having to do with it.
yeah haha. not exactly the wrong moment, i just dont want to risk anything having to do with my child for a couple of his plants as a hobby.
fuck that.(:


Well-Known Member
u must not live in cali, im sorry. ur right tho, it AINT worth it. from the cps, to the bieno.
yeahh. ohh dont get me wrong. if i wasnt pregnant or if it was illegal the way he was doing it, i wouldnt care AT ALL. its just the fact that illinois doesnt take this shit lightly.


New Member
You are both young.... and considering that males mature slower than females do... it won't hit him UNTIL.... he is staring at his baby. Once he and the baby make eye contact.... once that little babe grips his finger....his denial will evaporate.

In a way...he is having a little personal space crisis.... not unlike in a way a mid life crisis.... he is facing a big adjustment. He'll get there....


haha. THCLUV- that just made my day. you just said it exactly how i have been saying it to him for a while. but when i say that, im just a fucking bitch or something like that.
shit like this happens to everyone is he atleast tryin to like do things for the kid
we'll have to see. i believe that he will be an AMAZING father. its just the fact of getting his priorities straight. cause if he cant do that, hes gonna be all sorts of fucked up when the baby gets here.
but if he can get a job and put the baby first and me first (for some things) then he will be amazing.


Active Member
No brainer, DONT DO IT! Also if you are pregnant and still smoking weed do you know you are risking the health of your unborn? Be smart and do the right thing. Raise your child and not weed. And kick your boyfriend to the curb unless he can step up to the plate. IE, get a job.
Cuz the government, who tells us the truth says so?

Funny told us it was MUCH better for my fiancee to smoke to get rid of her morning sickness than it would be to go on the anti nausea pills. He also said that low birth weight babies are RARELY from mj only abuse. We googled a LOT and found funny enough, MOST medical places say its ok to smoke weed, and MOST stoner sites say no...we thought it was funny.

We are halfway thru the pregnancy now, and not a single problem including development rate. Heartbeat is also strong.



Active Member
my girlfriend, did not smoke or drink( maybe one glas of red wine) she gave birth at 24 weeks to a one pond 5 ounces boy. he is now 2 and buddies old lady smoked blunts during both pregancy and both kids are fine God works in funny ways

god created MJ, god created me, and god created fire?

Cuz the government, who tells us the truth says so?

Funny told us it was MUCH better for my fiancee to smoke to get rid of her morning sickness than it would be to go on the anti nausea pills. He also said that low birth weight babies are RARELY from mj only abuse. We googled a LOT and found funny enough, MOST medical places say its ok to smoke weed, and MOST stoner sites say no...we thought it was funny.

We are halfway thru the pregnancy now, and not a single problem including development rate. Heartbeat is also strong.

yes, i have to agree with you on that one. i actually didnt ask my doctor like you guys have. but i was a strong pot smoker up until i found out i was pregnant. my boyfriend and i did some researched and i have continued smoking. there are a TON of medical reasons why it is okay. im am 22 weeks right now. with a healthy baby, great heartbeat, and it moves all the time. so it must not be that bad. also, i had to go to the hospital twice because of being dehydrated from morning sickness and such and weed was the only thing that helped me keep food down. and now, it helps me get to sleep when the baby is kicking a lot.
so i dont see a problem with it.
go ahead, bash if youd' like people.(:


Active Member
No No No, if you're having a child, dont take any fucking risks. Tell him to chop that shit, ready or not 2 weeks before ur due date. This will give him time to harvest and dry, then by that time the weed will be curing when the baby comes home. No smell, No grow op, No worries. :)
No No No, if you're having a child, dont take any fucking risks. Tell him to chop that shit, ready or not 2 weeks before ur due date. This will give him time to harvest and dry, then by that time the weed will be curing when the baby comes home. No smell, No grow op, No worries. :)
well the thing is that it is currently in my babys room (in the closet in there). and i have just started getting the babys room ready. i also want to have people over at the house (my friends, my family) and i dont want to have to deal with the smell. i just want it all out by the time the baby is here. i dont want to risk anything. and if by any chance someone smells it downstairs, we are fucked and prolly kicked out of the apt.

if one day we get a house, i wouldnt mind him using a basement for a SMALL grow op or something like that. or if we move somewhere where he is legally allowed to do it, then i dont mind.
other than that, it has to go.


Active Member
Children should take priority over anything, if I was you/him and wanted to keep the grow project alive I would move it outdoors or give it to one of his friends

That money or smoke that bud will make might last you a month or two, thats not worth loosing your child forever.

If you were setting up an op to make millions it might be worth the risk, because it would be setting your child up for life, but I would still be doing it outside not inside the house
Children should take priority over anything, if I was you/him and wanted to keep the grow project alive I would move it outdoors or give it to one of his friends

That money that bud will make might last you a month or two, thats not worth loosing your child forever.
you hit it right on the head with that last statement. thank you.