Bring Me To The Promise Land!!!


Active Member
So I live in Canada, and I am tired of winter. I want to move to California. I looked into what type of visa I could get, so that I could move to California for a few years. And I think it will be impossible for me to get a visa. To get a visa you either need to have either a certain job, are going to school, investing over K, or getting married to an American. And me, I buy and sell antiques and collectors items in auction for a living, well and I do a lot of horse racing but don't consider that work. That is not a qualified job so I'm out on that visa. Next I do not want to go back to school, so that visa is out. I don't plan on investing over K into the American economy, so that out. And i am not currently married to a American, so thats out. How do I get in! I am not coming to take anyones job or be involved in any crimes, I just want to live in sunny California. How do so many Mexicans get in, work and make a living. So now I am asking for any tips or suggestions on how I may do so. Maybe I should start a thread looking for a temporary American


Well-Known Member
So I live in Canada, and I am tired of winter. I want to move to California. I looked into what type of visa I could get, so that I could move to California for a few years. And I think it will be impossible for me to get a visa. To get a visa you either need to have either a certain job, are going to school, investing over K, or getting married to an American. And me, I buy and sell antiques and collectors items in auction for a living, well and I do a lot of horse racing but don't consider that work. That is not a qualified job so I'm out on that visa. Next I do not want to go back to school, so that visa is out. I don't plan on investing over K into the American economy, so that out. And i am not currently married to a American, so thats out. How do I get in! I am not coming to take anyones job or be involved in any crimes, I just want to live in sunny California. How do so many Mexicans get in, work and make a living. So now I am asking for any tips or suggestions on how I may do so. Maybe I should start a thread looking for a temporary American
"Fixed Marriages" are how most of the immigrants I know get into the country legally. Its probably your best bet.


Well-Known Member
aww. i'd much rather live in Canada than here, besides the weather, the US really doesn't have much going for it and the weather is only good in 3 states throughout the entire year. i have an illegal friend and she always finds work. you can get a visa here by being a business owner but you have to have employees i think and make a certain amount of money. it's worth looking into if you're truly interested. you can get a visa through a lot of schools. my illegal friend had a visa from a program she was studying but it ended and she stayed with no visa. she did try to marry but it never worked out. she couldn't find a guy who was willing to take on her baggage. marrying someone is risky because they can take you for all your worth if they choose to. you really need a very experienced lawyer & that costs a lot of $. if money isn't an issue, you could try to go the marriage route. you can work without a visa but you can't be employed. you have to mostly work for cash, waiting tables or working in fields, day labor, cleaning houses... i want to move to europe from Cali and i have the same problem. it aint fair.

Truth B Known

Active Member
So I live in Canada, and I am tired of winter. I want to move to California.
just get in your car, drive down here with some cash, find a place on craigslist with a cool landlord, pay them, do your thing or whatever, smile and be happy.. fuck all the bullshit yo.. get a longboard and take the bus.. you don't need to be worried about the other shit.. get here first, then figure it out.. you just gotta think, "what's holdin me back?" then think "is that really holding me back?" lol, make some power moves homeboy.... -peeeeaaaaaace

"Fixed Marriages" are how most of the immigrants I know get into the country legally. Its probably your best bet.
lol where are you, texas? cali?... haha.. sorry, thats just funny, and fucked


Active Member
I love Canada, just want to get out of the winters for a a year or two. I will always make my perment home in Canada. I here Vancouvers winters are pretty warm just a bunch of rain. I wouldn't mind that maybe ill just have to move there, then I guess going on vacation to california wouldnt be so bad, rent a house for a few months a year during winter.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a good plan.

this isn't the promise land, it's the land of promises that aren't kept!

Canada is a muuch better place to be a citizen.