Brief notes and guides that might help you in the future of growing!

Green Life

Hello fello members of Rollitup, I would like to tell the 'newbies' here a couple of notes that changed my growing experience. So before we start this, please keep this in mind that the credits are not 100% mine.. Doubt there even 50% mine, I'm just using what I've learned from the members here to help-out. So credits to everyone I guess!:D

ALSO the information givin here may not be the only way to do it, THIS is my way.

This is probably the easiest step in growing.. All it takes is about 5 days to fully germinate, what you want to do is keep your seeds warm, moist, and in a dark area.. These are the three key steps in hatching a seed.

Most people recommend using a plate, paper towel, and a plastic bag.. But I use a blockbuster cd case and a paper towel (no bag needed)... When water hits the seed it weakens the shell allowing the roots to break through, so place the seeds on one thin side of the paper towl, spread them out... Then place the second side of the paper towl on top of the seeds and soak the towl.. Now you don't want any puttles so turn the plate/cd case/w.e to let the water drip off, do this until it stops dripping completely. Place in the plastic bag.

Now we need to find a dark and warm area, I recommend wrapping the bag in a towel... This works great for me! After this has been done you need to put the towel in a drawer or.. closet, something room temp.

Check ever 6 hours if the seeds are not in a bag, you probably will need to rewater them. (Redo the steps above to keep no puddles..) IFF they are inside a bag, you might wonna check on them ever 24-48 hours.

!::Transporting them to your grow-room && Grow-room setup::!
If your like me, you will want to do this secretly and stelth like.. You see I'm 18, still living with my parents.. And maybe you don't want them to know what your doing.. That's what I'm dealing with.

My setup would be a suitcase or a wooden box.. My grow right now is a suitcase, and its pretty successful. So first you have to decide, how many plants your going to grow.. What kind of grow your taking on, and how much time and money you want to spend on this.

I'm growing two plants, and my type of grow is going to be short and bushy mini plant. << To get this type of grow, just keep reading and I will get into detail about it later in this guide.

So my box is 2ft x 1.5ft x 2ft. This limits my space, yes.. And people say its going to be unsuccessful.. but
.......................^(L)..^(W)..^(H) I'd beg to differ, I think It'll be good. But anyway, you can have your box that size or bigger, I do not recommend any size smaller then that.. A really good stealth grow is a PC grow. WHICH I WILL DO SOONER OR LATER:DD

Things you will need for your setup:

60-150 Watts of Lighting (1-3 Plants)
250-450 Watts of Lighting (4-6 Plants)
500-1000 Watts of Lighting (6+ Plants)
TWO fans, (low amount of space? Use computer fans)
Reflective plates (tinfoil works great:D)
Humitity and Heat gauge
And your grow box!

Other items can be used, but.. this is all I use.

This is how mine looks:

But there are many ways to set up your grow room, this is just an example.

!::Growing notes::!
Alright, now this is how you keep your plant bushy and small.. You keep the light close to the plant, NOT SO CLOSE that it burns it.. but close enough.. Also for a mini plant, I would suggest force budding it into 30days of its life.

To force bud you change the light timing from 18/6 (or however you have it) to 12/12... 12/12 means 12 hours of light, 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness.

LED's are good, but I do not suggest using them.. Stick to the normal lighting.

Soil is alright but it contains bugs, so try Rockwool Grow Cubes.

Always have a spare, usually lights fuck up.. So have spares.

Smell can be an issue, use a circulation system, or simply keep a window open.

Feel free to add notes on here by posting a comment, dunno if theres already a thread for that but.. Yeah.
This may not be the best guide, but I think it'll help. Thanks!



Active Member
You see I'm 17, still living with my parents.. And maybe you don't want them to know what your doing.. That's what I'm dealing with.



Misguided Angel
When u join a site that requires you to be 18 you probably shouldn't start a thread and say you are 17 in it. Just for future reference. And growing in someone elses house without them knowing is a dick move.