Brett Support Therad.

no, i don't think getting drunk and passing out is a crime. i believe lying about it under oath is a crime. and i believe raping drunk college chicks is a crime....i believe raping anyone, anywhere, is a crime. it speaks to poor character. it speaks to poor morals. it shouts that he doesn't respect women. that leads me to think he doesn't give a fuck about anything but his own career and life. not the kind of person i want making decisions for the entire country.
You came to a conclusion that he is guilty of rape and sexual assault WITHOUT evidence. That is the problem. And he didn’t lie at his hearing.
Are you aware of the #WalkAway movement?

Yes, I am. It's a very small percentage of independants and use-to-be democrats that continue to pitch a hissy fit in much the same way the moronic tea party did, and rather than tough it out and try to fix things they do their level best to mess things up because it makes them feel better about their own failed and miserable lives.

The movement
It has put a HUGE dent into Democrat voting base. It hasn't. In fact, it's had almost exactly a 3% effect on voting, but that will be replaced by a factor of around 10 next month by a LANDSLIDE of women voters...which will make the walkaway movement about as relevant as the save the spotted owl foundation.
Yes, I am. It's a very small percentage of independants and use-to-be democrats that continue to pitch a hissy fit in much the same way the moronic tea party did, and rather than tough it out and try to fix things they do their level best to mess things up because it makes them feel better about their own failed and miserable lives. It hasn't. In fact, it's had almost exactly a 3% effect on voting, but that will be replaced by a factor of around 10 next month by a LANDSLIDE of women voters.
Wow you really are living in a cave lol. This hearing just destroyed the Democrats chances. The Senate and House are going to move into Republican control even further.
No, you’re just a very insecure white male
Not white
Once again you assumed wrongly