breeding question(s)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've had lots of biology classes in HS and college so I know what sounds right and makes sense but I wanted to get some input from some people out there who have (hopefully) been breeding for a while.

I am trying to determine a few things...what characteristics you want from the male and female and of course what you don't.

What I mean is the yield and potency determined by the female only...if so what does the male add, just the pollen for the seeds? Or do you take into account how many sacks this male as produced, if a lot, therefore he is a heavy yielder for a male and should (hopefully) translate into helping the yield on the female side.

For instance, when the Liger and Tigon were bred you got very different results by just using a male lion with a female tiger and then a male tiger with a female lion. Once is just an enourmous cat (the Liger, considered to be the biggest cat in the world) while the other (the Tigon) is actually relativly small, compared to the Liger that is.

So, I'm assuming similar principles can be applied here. I would probably want the biggest "producing" male with the biggest producing female, along with resin production, smell etc....or does the male just not matter nearly as much as the female?

I already have my female picked out. It's a strain from back east that I was able to bring out here to CA. Quite honestly the best strain I've ever seen, even compared to stuff here in Cali, and my favorite.

Anyway to try and make it even better, and have seeds on hand so I'm not only ever left with just clones, I want to breed it.

I've never actually let a male totally finish so TBH I'm not sure if they produce any bud or not, I thought they did but just not nearly as much, but I could be totally wrong.

So anyway, I want to know what the male brings to the table so I can better figure out what I would want to breed my lady with.

Thanks in advance! :)


Well-Known Member
I recomend reading teh canabis breeders bible, i am reading it now and its quite interesting. A little biased and comercialized at points but has a good theory and practiced concepts.


Well-Known Member
I recomend reading teh canabis breeders bible, i am reading it now and its quite interesting. A little biased and comercialized at points but has a good theory and practiced concepts.

hmmmm i'll have try and find this. thanks

your avatar makes me want to watch the movie now. :D