Breeding of the minds. IQ test required.


Well-Known Member
Just tell everybody and their mother how they ship it. Real smart. They should make you take an iq test before you can buy seeds.
This came from a different thread about Nirvana seeds, but I can't agree more.

Why is at that dumb people breed the most? At the age of twelve the world police sould give out IQ tests. Anyone below the "smart" range should be sterilized for the good of humanity. Darwinism is truth! Build smarter babies!


Well-Known Member
Just miffed by the abnormally high birth rates among stupid people. It seems sometimes that the dumber that people are, the more that they breed.


Well-Known Member
Just miffed by the abnormally high birth rates among stupid people. It seems sometimes that the dumber that people are, the more that they breed.
Thats just the way of life, the further you go down the food chain the more it happens, until you get to dragonflies or crane flies. They have no other real importance in life apart from to get laid and make babies.


Well-Known Member
but i also am with you, something should be done to reduce the rate of births of stupid people.

In fact I think i mart start a poll


Well-Known Member
Intelligent people have dumb children as well.....IQ tests wont get around that. 1/2 the people in the world would be "dumb" if judged by an IQ test.

And Im sure there are areas where you (me or anyone else) wouldnt be thought of as intelligent either. Hop off that high horse and maybe you'll see you're no different than anyone else.

Most people do dumb things because they dont know the right way to do it. Maybe helping them understand would be more effective than bitching about what those people dont know. JMO


Well-Known Member
Intelligent people have dumb children as well.....IQ tests wont get around that. 1/2 the people in the world would be "dumb" if judged by an IQ test.

And Im sure there are areas where you (me or anyone else) wouldnt be thought of as intelligent either. Hop off that high horse and maybe you'll see you're no different than anyone else.

Most people do dumb things because they dont know the right way to do it. Maybe helping them understand would be more effective than bitching about what those people dont know. JMO

If you left Paris Hilton have and raise her own child, what would expect out of it. And this isn't nature vs. nuture. In her case its both sides of the aisle raining down on her...


Well-Known Member
I was reading in the paper this morning about a raid on a crack house where 3 crack whores had 10 children and not one of them where growing up to be anything(no school, no health care, horrible environment) before child services took the kids and even then its a crap shoot if they will receive a good home. Ruined my morning cup of coffee is all....


Well-Known Member
most of those dumb poeple had kids and us dumb poeple elected them to run this country.If there are not any {DUMB POEPLE} how would you know who the smart poeple are. Peace


Well-Known Member
I am not for stupidocide. Just selective breeding. Legalize the weed to control the sex drives.... Or something like that...


Well-Known Member
See dont get me wrong, I'm not saying lets take the right away from all children but there are enough people out there who should just never be parents.

Do you think it is right that if a couple was heavily into heroin and regularly jacked up were to have children, would it be fair on the children.

What about the violent ones, where the kids get the shit kicked out of them throughout the whole of their lives and their lives are ruined and can never get over it.

I'm not saying lets not give a license just because someones stupid, I am saying that there should be a license that means you are capable of looking after children and bringing your own up.

Some people just couldnt give a fuck about their kids and most of the time wish they just werent there.

A woman in england is current being questioned by police because they think she killed both her daughters.


Well-Known Member
Now was it those girls faults, would their behaviour problems be in their genetics or would it be to do with conditioning and upbringing


Active Member
China has been dealing with that issue simply to control its population, have been keeping boys and not girls.
I just read yesterday now there isnt enough women to go around, and men do not statistically have much hope for finding a bride. Thats gotta suck!


Well-Known Member
Wow I know this thread is old but there are some dumbass people in this world like the OP of this thread and everybody who follows his philosophy.