Breeders Boutique


Well-Known Member
hey ABM, just shoot a msg through to the BB site, someone will def come back to you. Happy Sunday, DST

or/ If its about Dippy you can PM Mr West, he's the inventor on that, and Hemlock done the Midnight Express (I don't have any background knowledge on that unfortunately).

Cheers bud, have a good Sunday.



Well-Known Member
My Sour Cherry arrived today. Thank you very much DST for everything. DST takes care of his customers very well. I cant wait. I will be back....often.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just wanted to say, I popped a few cheese surprises into papertowels the other night, and 36 hours later all but one have tails. Perhaps the s33ds have harder husks and need a soak before germinating. Anyway, everyone has their own methods. I'll get pics up in a bit.
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
So when I went back to check them and pot them, there was 5 out of 5 that had their tails wagging.

Potted along with a few others. I'll keep you peeps posted.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks DST. I will pop mine today. I just have to get the dome set up for some clones first. I will keep you posted as well.


Well-Known Member
Out of the 5 Cheese Surprises I popped (from middle to top right & bottom right), 5 had stuck their head above ground(well the 5th is just about there:)) So not sure what to say, perhaps you just need to give the s33ds a bit more of a soak?!?!? I have failed with a lot of s33ds in my time, and I put it down to something I have done most of the times:)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Well my beans are a loss. Temps went too high the other day and probably took it's toll. I have yet to see the Cheese Surprise and Black SS pop through so I will just leave them in there for a little bit and see what happens. Thanks for popping those for us DST. I am going to chalk this up to my fault. It's a shame that I didn't get to try the Black SS out this summer but I still have some more beans for the winter.

Please let me know when you guys are testing some more genetics. I'd love to test some out for you as well. I just have to move everything back indoors. :)


Well-Known Member
Top 5 from left to right are the Cheese Surprises so far.

There's a half price sale on at BB:) All summer :)


Active Member
They look amazing ABM!! I was wondering how many strains do they have? I found 14 on the site so far but are there strains that have been discontinued? or any future strains that might be coming out soon?


Well-Known Member
Those crazy folks at the BB lab are always cooking up something ;-)

DAMN 50% OFF!?!?! Your beans are ALREADY super cheap lmao How they do it I dont know...

Thats allot of gear ABM! Should be a stoney winter for you :-) Iv had some beans pull through some really rough times, just give them time they may pop up. Iv had some where I just completely gave up on them but due to being busy they were left under the light,,, almost a week later its all dried up crispy soil with little plants popping out lol You never know!