Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG

What to do with an overgrown Cheese Palnt with nowhere to fit in :( She was already getting burned up so got decide whether to pull the Caseyband x to make way!
Never grew it to this size before, after some trimming it shoulb be a beast!

id bend that lady over n educate her in bondage ;)
interesting, the prop came with a proper porous mat but it was manky after a few runs an foolishly i binned it. i use a microfibre towel now. just been and checked on them n they seem to be happier now i've dumped most of the water out. might just have save em lol.

the weird thing isw i've been using out of date clonex for donkeys and only the last couple of runs it's made a difference. surely just putting the cuts in rockwool damp they'd root anyway so we'll see. it's day 6 for them, the fingerez look great the psycho's not so good and the dogs aqre still questionable.

just put damaged ones in a space m8, with rock wool i as you say i would soak in 1-1-1 + squeeze the excess and leave for a couple of hours before clone insertion ;)
Got that from 2 pound each way odds were 100-1!! I ain't got a clue bout horse racing just went into the bookies n asked the oldest lookin matey wot he reckons :) thanx old man :)
cracking take home lad nice work! i don't bet on it. it's flogging a horse round and round then making it jump a 6" fence several, which crocks them and they have to be put down and made into cheapo lasagne.

it's like F1 the guys win on the skills of their driving and speed of the car. you wouldn't see them putting mario kart style ramps on the furlongs.

so the mark 2 cloner has hit a stal, got all the bits but the plastic sheet i was going to put the collars in is too brittle to cut, comes away in shards :( i'm thinking of just using a pack lunch tuppaware and chucking the prop lid on the first few days instead.

few crappy phone pics of the dog, and her offspring. I have a feeling they will be fruitier pink dogs, maybe ill call them the poodle :lol:


gotta good number of the cherry haze to play with at some point

erl is drying above the veg light too:) should be claggy by mid afternoon
lol i did say i was gunna make a wage from yesterdays jocky scramble if you can remember me sayin m8? 100 on 33/1 minus 600 and stake ( bets on other horses ) and that leaves me with a tidy 2600 boooya! ;)
well i think 5th bong of the mornin is calling me then it's new prop clone time. even did a fancy pants pictorial, actually just a load of pictures..
righty. pictorial jackanory time.

IMAG0452.jpgIMAG0453.jpgIMAG0454.jpgIMAG0455.jpgIMAG0461_BURST001.jpg4 lemon pledge and 4 dogs



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