Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean working for anyone... you need to be out on your own. Too smart to be earning someone else money. :)

Thanks for leaving out all the details. Hope your Tuesday is a good one pal.

And there is crazy new developments in 3D printing. No need to send off to china for a prototype... just print the shit out locally for cheap.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ive been doing my clones in water for first couple of days b4 dipping in clonex and planting em in jiffys, seems to be working without cuting a 45degree cut and scoring and all the stuff i used to do.
ah man the old ways are the best ways. glass of water and on the windowsill. been done thousands of years. that said i think with the right size pot and nute mix the dwc is what i'll settle on even if i'm putting rockwool into coco.
I didn't mean working for anyone... you need to be out on your own. Too smart to be earning someone else money. :)
Thanks for leaving out all the details. Hope your Tuesday is a good one pal.
And there is crazy new developments in 3D printing. No need to send off to china for a prototype... just print the shit out locally for cheap.
ah jig thanks man but today will be full of more of the same and worse lol. i feel like he captain in bridge over the river kwai ffs. ill do the best i can because that's me even if it feels like i'm working for the enemy.

they can't hold me back though. the course starts september and is a 32 week thing 3 hours on a night each week and that's just to get on the foundation degree. endgoal in sight is now my mantra bru. ;)
Nice stuff Don, your favoured DOG sure is nice looking. As is the Smelly'z.
cheers Dogfather, i don't think it's one of the original pheno's i had but actually almost a mix of the two, def OG lean it'll probably come down this weekend looks almost there. looks almost hairless. i think i'll run a litter and do a mix of styles, couple as they are and slight lst/ mainline to fim. it'd make a excellent scrog candidate. i'm thinking the sog untouched plant will give me those huge fat colas, but also probably mould at this time of year.

Does anyone else find the news makes them angry? my gf needs something on while she chows breaky but it just makes me rage seeing the shit going on.

10 years since we and the us invaded iraq, what do the rebels do?! car bomb their own people. not the forces still there. yeah cos that's going to bring more people over to your cause of bringing back the regime. sheer fucking lunacy.


Well-Known Member
It def looks like a lot more like my pheon to be honest. Looks a bit stretchier than the one you had before (which is looking similar to my new dog 2010 - just posted on the 6double0).

The flower from the DOG I have been running for the last 3 year. Flower looks very similar to yours.


Well-Known Member
News is bad for your health... for real. I talked my mom out of it and she gave it up a couple months ago. Says she is much happier and now when she see it has no idea why she ever watched in the first place. There are websites that can keep you informed without the commentary and opinion. I need to have something on the telly when I eat as well... anything but news is alright. It makes me beyond angry. Seriously want to start doing massive bodily harm to people (mostly politicians and cops). Not good for my blood pressure and doesn't do me a bit of good anyhow. I vote and study up on things before I do, no idea why I need to know all what's going on every day.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It def looks like a lot more like my pheon to be honest. Looks a bit stretchier than the one you had before (which is looking similar to my new dog 2010 - just posted on the 6double0).

The flower from the DOG I have been running for the last 3 year. Flower looks very similar to yours.
very similar, does yours purple at the calyx tip? i'll post the pics in the 6 dubblought when i hit work. haven't even managed o get round my subbed threads yet.

News is bad for your health... for real. I talked my mom out of it and she gave it up a couple months ago. Says she is much happier and now when she see it has no idea why she ever watched in the first place. There are websites that can keep you informed without the commentary and opinion. I need to have something on the telly when I eat as well... anything but news is alright. It makes me beyond angry. Seriously want to start doing massive bodily harm to people (mostly politicians and cops). Not good for my blood pressure and doesn't do me a bit of good anyhow. I vote and study up on things before I do, no idea why I need to know all what's going on every day.
100% agree jig, i don't think my gf actually watches it either :cuss: just lets it go over her head as noise. i can't for some reason.

had a smoke for the first time in a god while last night out my swank new bubbler from a good friend over the pond. liked being high but then had to go and spoil it with a PB&J on toast. skinny me and stoned me don't seem to want to be friends it seems :(

i owe i owe it's off to work i go. laters guys.


Well-Known Member
Morning lads,
the fukin world is catching on fire.

I see it coming but can do nothing to stop it.

Military service allows you to read between the lines and from where i sit it reads like a fukin horror story.
US govt is trying to purchase 16 millon rounds of ammo for the Dept of Homeland security,,,,,wtf are they getting ready for?

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Morning lads,
the fukin world is catching on fire.

I see it coming but can do nothing to stop it.

Military service allows you to read between the lines and from where i sit it reads like a fukin horror story.
US govt is trying to purchase 16 millon rounds of ammo for the Dept of Homeland security,,,,,wtf are they getting ready for?
That's the gov't way of gun control. Have you priced ammo lately? A 500 brick of .22's is over $20 with the higher calibers in the statosphere.

The news ticks me off, too, but it's the only way to stay informed, when you throw out the bias.



Well-Known Member
Morning lads,
the fukin world is catching on fire.

I see it coming but can do nothing to stop it.

Military service allows you to read between the lines and from where i sit it reads like a fukin horror story.
US govt is trying to purchase 16 millon rounds of ammo for the Dept of Homeland security,,,,,wtf are they getting ready for?
alex knows ...................................... ...............;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my gf was telling me last night about Ahmadinejad in iran and their nuke programs. she didn't study history so i told her about the cold war and how we all nearly weren't here.

not so sure that's going to happen or not. but the US has embargo'd them and anyone with them to buggery as standard practise. kim jong mark II will band with them and unite against the west.

our numpty cameron will lapdog along to obama's tune as per usual and we're all fucked. i'll then be on your doorstep DST claiming my EU citizenship in full and getting the fuck outta dodge. or maybe i'll enlist hahaha when the race war begins. there'll be no room for wall flowers.


Well-Known Member
What I want to know is how does knowing that information actually change your life. Like how would your life day to day be different if you did not know what was going on all round the world. And that's a serious question.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seriously sometimes I wish i could be that blind/ignorant. it's like Neo waking up in the matrix jig. I try and open peoples eyes like morpheus ffs hahaha what a comparison to make.

knowledge is power.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what you mean. How is knowing what is going on in Iran politics power? I honestly don't get it. It seems as if your life would be exactly the same without that knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Ultimately, knowledge is power, problem being, information gleened from news and media is often a load of bullshit.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The voting public are supposed to control the idiot in charge jig. democracy, change the idiot at the front, change the way the country focuses.

i can't exactly hop on a plain to iran but if even helping form/change an opinion on it in these little threads on the net changes someone's opinion it's a start.


Well-Known Member
Do you know of many pro iran people that hang out in the circles you do?

About the matrix. Neo and his friends were fighting with everything they were against the powers that be. The people in the matrix were sheep who knew no better. If you were using the knowledge you were gaining to actively fight the system I would think it worth while. Otherwise it's like taking the blue pill, knowing what's going on, then being inserted back into the matrix as a sheep. You are just living out your life... only you know what kind of fucked up shit is going on behind the scenes. Sounds a depressing situation.

To me one should pick to be either a Neo, or chose to not be consumed by the powers that be. If you aren't going to do anything about government, why concern yourself with it from day to day. Do you not think they'll provide a write up on candidates before elections happen? It just doesn't make any sense to me why you feel news is the "important" information. There is all sorts of stuff you nor I know about. Why is none of that stuff "important" enough to spend 30 minutes of your day learning about?

And I still wonder... how would your life be different in any single way if you had never seen the news in your life?

If ya want me to shut up donny I will. :) It's just that I care about you and don't see why you want to keep your blood pressure up with something that seems so not worth while.