Breeder Flowering Times


Well-Known Member
When a breeder states that flowering time for his strain is 7-8 weeks is that 7-8 weeks from the time the photo-period is switched to 12/12 or is that 7-8 weeks from the time the plant show sex? I forced my plant to flower at 14 days and it took 2 weeks after that to show sex and another 5 days to show flowers. I'm on week 6 from the time I switched to 12/12 (but only 3 weeks from the time my plant started showing flowers) and I would expect some brown hairs by now but they're all still white.


Well-Known Member
I think it from the time it sexes out...

out. :blsmoke:
Any skilled growers out there that can answer this one? This is sort of unique since HID growers don't usually force plants to flower they just wait for the plant to show pre-flowers. Since I was using CFLs, I had to force the flowering process to keep the plant a manageable height.


Well-Known Member
Any skilled growers out there that can answer this one? This is sort of unique since HID growers don't usually force plants to flower they just wait for the plant to show pre-flowers. Since I was using CFLs, I had to force the flowering process to keep the plant a manageable height.
Anyone out there? I would think this would be an easy one for skilled CFLs growers. Is the 7-8 weeks of flowering time from the time the light cycle is changed to 12/12 or is it 7-8 weeks from the time the plant shows sex?


Well-Known Member
in my opinion the breeder flowering time are just guidelines. you can get a different high just from when you harvest it. mostly milky trichomes is a heady/cerebral high and mostly amber trichomes is more a couch lock/stoned high. now you can tell which strains are quicker than the other from the flowering times listed by the breeder but to get the high that you want you should really invest in a 30x scope from radioshack. its only $13 and you'll be thankful you got it.


Well-Known Member
from my experience and readin and recent experimentation i believe its from the time they start to show sex.


Well-Known Member
damn, brah, sorry that I didnt see this!! Its from the transition to 12/12.

You'll remember from my grow that I was expecting things to happen quicker than they did. By week 6 I was ready to declare a failure because the cola was puny and the buds didn't look like they were growin. Low and behold, in 3 weeks time the plant had exploded and ended up giving me over 2 ounces of dried product!

I'm still a little torn about this question. When you grow with the sun or HIDs, the plants go into pre-flower before you flower them so naturally when you switch the lights its a natural progression that only takes a few days. When you force them to flower at 10-14 days old it takes a long time for them to show sex, in my case it took 2 weeks. The breeder suggested 7-8 weeks of flowering and if you take away the 2 weeks extra it took to show sex, the breeder times would have been dead on.