Breeder Ethics/ Seed Company creation


Well-Known Member
Are there any best practices around creating a seed company and selling seeds? If I get beans off of 'tude, pollenate some females and then try to sell the beans- that does not seem ethical, but may be perfectly legal. Just wondering what the best practice is for creating a seed company and selling seeds in today's world. Traveling to landrace communities around the world and collecting seeds does not seem practical...but is it the truly ethical way to do it. Just trying to understand how one starts a seed company without "stealing" or traveling around the world.


Well-Known Member
Well without starting with a landrace you can stabilize a few F1's on the market nobody could complain about a breeder doing a great job to create a true breeding white widow, mango haze,strawberry cough, og kush, blue dream and you would really get some respect if you created a true breeding haze. Only problem is most breeders can't grow selections big enough to create true breeding lines and even if they do the genetics will be stolen as you can't patent cannabis so you'll put in years of work and end up having others profit off you sure I'd buy from you but others don't care as long as they save a buck.

Really anything other then chucking around pollen and names like most all the other new companies


Hey my friend. That is a very good question and I believe I have an excellent answer for you. Check out this guy named RED from RedEyedGenetics.
He has collected eite PNW clone only strains or original cuts from the strains to be bred to.....he has verified all his genetics....if they are questionable, then he back burners them. He has so many testers out there test growing his genetics and there are so many threads about each one of his strains. He gets permissions from other breeders to use their genetics with his. So far I think he is an excellent example of how to upstart a new seed company backed by the breeder and TESTED genetics.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I consider it kind of a dick move to breed with F1s you got from another breeder, but ultimately it depends on the goals of your project, and what kind of contribution/alteration you are making to the original genetics. I've got starting a seed company lurking in the back of my mind all the time, but I am working some lines from other breeders first, then maybe hit some of my clone only strains or favorite girls with some males from the lines I am working. Then probably distributing a fuckton of free beans here in CO for testing purposes. Then, well, we'll see. Breeding males aren't exactly a dime a dozen, but when I see one, I usually clone it, flower it, throw the clone in my veg lab, and the pollen in the fridge. I am currently growing out some Killing Fields F3 (female) x Satori (male) that I bred, and have some females from that that just started flowering. However, I am years away from anything commercial.


Well-Known Member
I have recently been reading about how some of the seed companies started in Amsterdam and there seems to have been a whole lot of drama and bad blood behind the scenes. I was really just looking for anecedotes/examples (redeyedgenetics) that were positive...where breeders were not accused of theft, etc. As the industry moves out of the shadows in the US, I expect to see more companies that have a more positive vibe than we have seen in the past.


Well-Known Member
thetricksergod all you need to do is show a good grow and say what some people want to hear. then you will have little fan boys and girls jumping from board to board telling everyone how great you are. then your not only a breeder but a great and exclusive breeder.


Well-Known Member
There are so many amazing growers out there who have been in the game for so long and are struggling to make a go of it. Go to college, get a job, and work towards it. Dreaming is awesome. I am all for it. Just remember that for every success there is a ton of failures. Everyone wants to think they can just chuck pollen and make money. Take care.


Well-Known Member
Every breeder has to start somewhere, and every breeder necessarily starts with genetics worked by others. That's how all breeding of EVERYTHING is done.

I think there is more than one way you can get into the breeding game. It depends a little bit on what you are trying to accomplish.

Are you trying to create strains you like, strains that fit a particular need, trying to make money, or all these things?

If you just want to make cash selling beans, the easiest thing to do is become another pollen chucker. See here for the recipe (scroll down to the bottom of the post):

I'd say the best first step to doing this ethically is to create a few good lines of your own. You can start with other people's genetics, you just need to work them into something unique, good, and (preferably) stable that there is a real market for. Some of that requires knowledge of breeding, but it also requires knowledge of the marketplace. If what you create truly stands out in today's crowded field, and there is a market demand for it, then actually getting the ceeds to market should be relatively easy. If you can create 3-4 lines that people actually want to buy, then bang, you're a "breeder" of note, but you only really need ONE good line to get started.

Yes. . .that's real work, which is why so few people do it.

I'll give an example of one new breeder that I'm aware of, Red from Sickmeds. He has created several novel lines of his own design (eg "Bizarre", "Chupacabras", etc), but his two most famous/best selling ones are Green Crack S1 and Williams Wonder. . .neither one of which required conventional breeding to get to market.

Green Crack S1 he did basically as a "community service" because he felt there was an unmet demand for ceeds of that line, (especially in Europe where clones of it are exceptionally tough to get). Red got some clones from two different sources in Europe, grew them both out to ensure they were the real deal, selfed them to make ceeds, tested them himself to make sure the S1s were reasonable, gave away some to testers (you can see one test report in my signature below), then charged a reasonable price for these. Bam. . .instant demand.

Williams Wonder was (/is) a legendary pure indica that hadn't been commercially available in ceed form in maybe 20 years of which there was good pent up demand. Red had to do quite a bit of wheeling/dealing to get his hands on real-deal SSSC Williams Wonder beans from the late 1980s, and then he had to get some to germinate, grow them out, do what selection he could (not easy when you're dealing with barely viable ceeds) and effectively bring the line back. Again, self testing, outside testing, put on the market. . .and the line is now so popular its actually hard to get ceeds.

This wasn't so much a "breeding" project as a "restoration" one, but IMO he put himself on the map with it, and bluntly it was more of a real accomplishment to bring this line back from commercial extinction than a whole bunch of pollen chuckers making noises about F1s they've created from other people's clone only lines. Not incidentally, although older, the line itself is probably still better than 90% of the pollen chucks anyway.

I don't really know of many/any "William's Wonders" that are left out there to be brought back, but I can think of at least a few genetic market niches that could be filled right now. For example, there is a lot of demand for quality autoflowers, but most of the auto lines aren't that good. Anyone who can come up with one that has great flavor and potency could have an instant hit. Specialized cannabinoid ratio autos is another niche that I don't think anyone has opened up yet. Etc.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Its all about the genetics.
I can think of a few clone only I'd like in seed form. And a few legends. (Louix the 13, ect)(Black African Magic)
A few areas in the world still don't have good representation of the genetics they hold. (Afghanistan, Africa, China, philippines, South America,PNW)
Another thing is working with people who already have a few elite strains. (think about specific phenos)

Or you could be like every other pollen chucker and use other companies genetics.


Well-Known Member
Its all about the genetics.
I can think of a few clone only I'd like in seed form. And a few legends. (Louix the 13, ect)(Black African Magic)
A few areas in the world still don't have good representation of the genetics they hold. (Afghanistan, Africa, China, philippines, South America,PNW)
Another thing is working with people who already have a few elite strains. (think about specific phenos)

Or you could be like every other pollen chucker and use other companies genetics.
Agreed...spent time in the Kalinga region of the northern Philippines and really enjoyed the local flowers...never have been able to find the gear anywhere...I'd like to help change that.


Well-Known Member
It's not even funny how the introduction of "greed" and the concept of "mine" pollutes the cannabis culture.
Free the WEED!