Breaking:California to Legalize Weed for Everyone


New Member
But if that were true, it wouldn't be nearly as profitable, uh, I mean pricey......although, I do agree with you. :blsmoke:


New Member
Geeze, I can see the exodus to california now. State triples in size in one year. State is inundated with lazy pot smoking hippies, growing pot like the weeds they are in every vacant piece of land available. The smell of burning leaf is everywhere, driving sober people to call for help. The smoke is so thick that a person can't walk to the corner without getting stoned. cases of extreme paranoia are increasing at an alarming rate. Violence is at a standstill, there have been no murders in 6 months. The cops can't find anyone to arrest as there have been no major crimes committed this year. State legislators are demanding a stop to the Iraq war, and curtailing all military spending. Major war contractors have left the state and are calling on the feds to bomb the state out of existence.
Meanwhile in neighboring Nevada, sits one lone ex-pot smoker keeping a keen eye on this phenomenom, the med-man says this is an experiment gone haywire and calls for making California a separate country with 20Ft high razor wire border fences to keep the hippies out, damn those pesky hippies, My beer stocks just went down the toilet.