Breaking Bad


Well-Known Member
I was sort of baffled by the flying to close to sun quote. I think he was pissed at jesse for giving in to mike so easily. Mike shoulda negotiated the hazard pay down to 50% I thought. Those dudes need to share the pain somewhat at least.


Well-Known Member
I was sort of baffled by the flying to close to sun quote. I think he was pissed at jesse for giving in to mike so easily. Mike shoulda negotiated the hazard pay down to 50% I thought. Those dudes need to share the pain somewhat at least.
So was I, but I always watch every episode twice (burnout!) and my read on it is this: Walt thinks he is in charge. Remember the "it worked because I said it did" moment from the episode Magnet and the "he handles the business and I handle him" moment with Saul from this episode? Mike has taken too many liberties and is trying to be in charge of their new partnership, and Walt is angry about that. Icarus flew too close to the Sun and angered the Sun God and was bitch slapped back to earth and that is Walt's plan for Mike I bet. Walt's got a big ego and in Walt's mind he is Jesse James now, since he "killed Jesse James". Once Walt gave Mike the money, he probably decided then and there that Mike's gotta go sooner or later. Walt loves/needs his money and Mike's taking too much for Walt's taste. Personally I think Mike's a goner anyway. You just don't go into the desert with Jesse and Walt and survive on this show it seems.

Great fuckin episode for the fans.


Well-Known Member
Walt is getting more and more manipulative...I love it :clap: Wonder if he's really gonna kill Mike....


Well-Known Member
Agreed...Mike is going to be taught a lesson..Walt is the Daddy and calls the shots...Walt is not going to pay those clowns on the list..nor should he..
Walt is going to handle that and is not going to cook for chump change...Mike gets a spanking soon.


Well-Known Member
He needs him for now that's for sure, so maybe it is just a spankin'. I hope so cause I like Mike, but I think this season is gonna be about who dies next. Personally I think Walt is gonna kill everyone one by one, (shades of Scarface?), until the cancer gets him in the end, with maybe his son surviving because he's the only innocent person on the whole show. But that's what I love about this show, it's never that simple.


Well-Known Member
i'm playin golf at 6am tomorrow so i'm gonna watch tomorrow afternoon......can't wait



Well-Known Member
I hope while skylar is on this fucked up suicidal guilt trip or whatever shes on, she gets addicted to coke, starts hiding it around so that walt jr doesnt find out about it, then finds the vial of poison walt taped behind the plug in cover and snorts it


Well-Known Member
That was a total let's get the tension simmering episode. Tick, tick.tick...... Great Walt and Skyler scene. He better watch her ass.

Anyone hear the rumor about how they want to make a movie out of the finale and release it in theaters with some big name directing it? I know AMC always complains about the cost of making BB, so the suits would probably go for it. Pretty cool for a TV show to do that, but I hope they don't. It would just be a pain in the ass, plus I haven't snuck into a movie theater in decades :-) !


Well-Known Member
I hope while skylar is on this fucked up suicidal guilt trip or whatever shes on, she gets addicted to coke, starts hiding it around so that walt jr doesnt find out about it, then finds the vial of poison walt taped behind the plug in cover and snorts it
This. Please.


Well-Known Member
agreed...2 hours of intense action..nudity and walt banging a fine bitch instead of that ugly bitch skylar...sopranos should have done it....still could do it..i would pay 7 bucks for that.


i like the idea of a movie, haven't heard anything about that.

i was kinda disappointed by this last episode. first time i've felt that way about this show in a long time. skylers gotta go.