Breaking adictions with mushrooms

Booze works too but I'm not drinking any more so that's out but then I'm not planning to go macro with them so should be OK. A couple oz of reg 40% booze will also take down the buzz when someone is greening out from too much edible pot. One of those little airline bottles should be in everyone's medicine cabinet if edibles are around. :D I think I read somewhere that cbd is good for bringing down your high if you get way to high on weed and get paranoid or whatever.
I think I fucked that up I back spaced to far lol! I heard cbd is good for bringing your high down if you get way to stoned and get paranoid or whatever.

That will work too if you smoke some high CBD pot but if eating it you got another hour or more of discomfort before it starts to work. I take a dose of RSO along with CBD oil every night for the last couple years. I barely feel it now but know when it's starting to work as my mouth and eyes get dry and I'll feel tipsy but not really stoned. I'll have a few small tokes in a pipe in the evenings and can feel it but just mildly. When you're medicating with edibles the stoner buzz is a lot less noticeable.
