Let me tell you a story, that has helped me out through hard times. Now it's a bit long so please bare with me until the end.
There was this kid... about 8yrs old. He got this homework assignment from school and he needed purple paper.
So he comes home and tells his mom, "Mom I need purple for school."
Well his mom turns and bitch slaps the kid. Then sends him to his room.
On his way he sees his dad watching T.V. He tells dad that his mom just hit him for asking for purple paper. So his dad colcocks the kid and grounds him for a month.
So the kid goes to his room.
The next day at the bus stop he ask the boy next to him if he got the purple paper for school.
The boy flips the fuck out and just starts wailing on this kid. Doesn't stop until the bus gets there.
He gets to his assigned seat and ask the little girl next to him if she got the purple paper for school.
The girl starts screaming and clawing at him and eventually jumps over the back of the seat to get away from him.
When he gets to school. He goes to the teacher and tells her that he couldn't do his homework because he could get the purple paper.
The teacher the bitch slaps the poor boy and sends him to his desk.
The kid next to him, his best friend, ask him what that was about.
The kid replies that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school.
At that his friend starts beating the kid with a text book. Now this was in the 90's and those things weighed 80 lbs each.
The teacher runs back to the kids and breaks up the fight. When she starts demanding what happen the boy tells her that it was because he could get the purple paper for school.
The teacher then bitch slaps the boy and sends him to the principals office.
The principal is staring him down and ask quietly why he was there.
The boy says that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school
Principal then grabs the boy by the hair and starts slamming his head into the desk. Ripping out a nice big bald spot.
Afterwards he expels the kid and makes him walk home.
On his way home this old lady, probably about 110 or so comes up to him on her walker.
She sees the boy crying and all beaten to hell and asky in her grandmotherly way what was wrong.
The boy responds "Everyone (Snob) keeps beating me up (Snob snob) because I couldn't (snob) get the purple paper for schooooooooooollllllll."
The old lady then freaks and starts bashing the poor kid with her walker. She looses her balance and grabs the kids shirt on the way day and continues hitting him.
The boy breaks free, runs across the street, gets hit by a car, and dies.
and the moral of this story is.

Look both ways before you cross the street.