Break ups: The survivors guide. WITH SCHEMATICS. Please add your 2 cents...

View attachment 3414098

I'm getting a pedicure and waxed as we speak!!!!

We gonna need MO WAX!!!!

This massage chair is making everything feel better though.

You should treat yourself to a spaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaay.
Nah.. I'm a mechanic... have a reputation... I just am gonna soak in my tub when I get home, liftweights, hit my training bag for a lil bit, and i'll feel better. For me, I feel shitty unless I force my body to give me drugs/hormones
endorphins, serotonin...
shitty thing is, smoking herb and trying to sleep just make me think too much. I like both of those things...
I mean it's not 100% the end... but it's getting there QUICK.
Oh sorry, it was a busy weekend and I never properly responded to this one.

Sooooo....what do you mean by that?

The words I understand. But it's impossible to determine attitude and intention without hearing the words, or knowing what you were trying to say.

I hope it was something nice. Because kicking someone when they're already down is kinda a shitty thing to do.

I'll be awaiting your response. Fingers crossed I get to KEEP YA.
if you have to ask...
View attachment 3414098

I'm getting a pedicure and waxed as we speak!!!!

We gonna need MO WAX!!!!

This massage chair is making everything feel better though.

You should treat yourself to a spaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaay.
goin to brazil eh? all ya gotta do now is wait a day or two for the redness to go away and off to get some rebound loving.
that is, unless your boner isn't working...
mine isn't.
Which is saying a LOT
I'm afraid to date anymore, I don't want to get pregnant. You have the trash pickers, the girls that want to know what you did with the condom. You have the condom biters, you know who you are. Then you have the go ahead and come I'm on birth control woman. Ya right! I think you should enjoy being single and grow some pot. Its the perfect time to do it. One of my rules are don't date and grow pot because it could be used as ammo against you and cause unwanted stress.
I'm afraid to date anymore, I don't want to get pregnant. You have the trash pickers, the girls that want to know what you did with the condom. You have the condom biters, you know who you are. Then you have the go ahead and come I'm on birth control woman. Ya right! I think you should enjoy being single and grow some pot. Its the perfect time to do it. One of my rules are don't date and grow pot because it could be used as ammo against you and cause unwanted stress.

have you ever undergone psychoanalysis?
. One of my rules are don't date and grow pot because it could be used as ammo against you and cause unwanted stress.
That's bullshit you shouldn
One of my rules are don't date and grow pot because it could be used as ammo against you and cause unwanted stress.
That's bullshit, you shouldn't be with a girl who's gonna rat you out like that, if anyone dates a girl like that, she truly does not care about you, and only cares about your material posessions. A real girlfriend won't snitch you out like that no matter what. I know people where If there girl ever blackmailed them like that she would be in a life threatening situation,I wouldn't do anything violent to her, but then again I would never put myself in that situation.
skywalker clearly you haven't have much experience with relationships and are a bit of an idealist. Not saying an-X would rat you out, but folks know things (can) get volatile during breakups; shit happens. I've had the popo show up over relationship trouble before and the-grow could possibly have become collateral damage.

I've had years of weekly counseling in my 2o's and found it to be extremely beneficial at the time. imo 'phychoanalysis' sounds too formal. the term phychoanalysis was what Freud insisted on calling his school of thought. look into jungian therapy as an alternative.

Hey @Yessica... how about you, ever visit a head shrinker? lolz
skywalker clearly you haven't have much experience with relationships and are a bit of an idealist. Not saying an-X would rat you out, but folks know things (can) get volatile during breakups; shit happens. I've had the popo show up over relationship trouble before and the-grow could possibly have become collateral damage.

I've had years of weekly counseling in my 2o's and found it to be extremely beneficial at the time. imo 'phychoanalysis' sounds too formal. the term phychoanalysis was what Freud insisted on calling his school of thought. look into jungian therapy as an alternative.

Hey @Yessica... how about you, ever visit a head shrinker? lolz
I think the problem is nowadays
people can't tell the difference
between a dirty soul and a pure
soul. Looks come before purity in
most people so they make bad
decisions in the women or man
that they decide to date, so you
end up with somebody who when
a heated situation arises between you two she starts blackmailing you and what not, so abe supecro the problem is not that I don't have experience it's just that I date pure souls not fake ones.
Let me tell you a story, that has helped me out through hard times. Now it's a bit long so please bare with me until the end.

There was this kid... about 8yrs old. He got this homework assignment from school and he needed purple paper.

So he comes home and tells his mom, "Mom I need purple for school."

Well his mom turns and bitch slaps the kid. Then sends him to his room.

On his way he sees his dad watching T.V. He tells dad that his mom just hit him for asking for purple paper. So his dad colcocks the kid and grounds him for a month.

So the kid goes to his room.

The next day at the bus stop he ask the boy next to him if he got the purple paper for school.

The boy flips the fuck out and just starts wailing on this kid. Doesn't stop until the bus gets there.

He gets to his assigned seat and ask the little girl next to him if she got the purple paper for school.

The girl starts screaming and clawing at him and eventually jumps over the back of the seat to get away from him.

When he gets to school. He goes to the teacher and tells her that he couldn't do his homework because he could get the purple paper.

The teacher the bitch slaps the poor boy and sends him to his desk.

The kid next to him, his best friend, ask him what that was about.

The kid replies that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school.

At that his friend starts beating the kid with a text book. Now this was in the 90's and those things weighed 80 lbs each.

The teacher runs back to the kids and breaks up the fight. When she starts demanding what happen the boy tells her that it was because he could get the purple paper for school.

The teacher then bitch slaps the boy and sends him to the principals office.

The principal is staring him down and ask quietly why he was there.

The boy says that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school

Principal then grabs the boy by the hair and starts slamming his head into the desk. Ripping out a nice big bald spot.

Afterwards he expels the kid and makes him walk home.

On his way home this old lady, probably about 110 or so comes up to him on her walker.

She sees the boy crying and all beaten to hell and asky in her grandmotherly way what was wrong.

The boy responds "Everyone (Snob) keeps beating me up (Snob snob) because I couldn't (snob) get the purple paper for schooooooooooollllllll."

The old lady then freaks and starts bashing the poor kid with her walker. She looses her balance and grabs the kids shirt on the way day and continues hitting him.

The boy breaks free, runs across the street, gets hit by a car, and dies.

and the moral of this story is.


Look both ways before you cross the street.
Hey @Yessica... how about you, ever visit a head shrinker? lolz

I have seen, over the last 17 years...hmmmmmm...let's count:

- 4 psychiatrists
- 2 psychologists
- 2 support groups
- 1 intensive support group/ program
- and a partridge in a pear tree


Let me tell you a story, that has helped me out through hard times. Now it's a bit long so please bare with me until the end.

There was this kid... about 8yrs old. He got this homework assignment from school and he needed purple paper.

So he comes home and tells his mom, "Mom I need purple for school."

Well his mom turns and bitch slaps the kid. Then sends him to his room.

On his way he sees his dad watching T.V. He tells dad that his mom just hit him for asking for purple paper. So his dad colcocks the kid and grounds him for a month.

So the kid goes to his room.

The next day at the bus stop he ask the boy next to him if he got the purple paper for school.

The boy flips the fuck out and just starts wailing on this kid. Doesn't stop until the bus gets there.

He gets to his assigned seat and ask the little girl next to him if she got the purple paper for school.

The girl starts screaming and clawing at him and eventually jumps over the back of the seat to get away from him.

When he gets to school. He goes to the teacher and tells her that he couldn't do his homework because he could get the purple paper.

The teacher the bitch slaps the poor boy and sends him to his desk.

The kid next to him, his best friend, ask him what that was about.

The kid replies that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school.

At that his friend starts beating the kid with a text book. Now this was in the 90's and those things weighed 80 lbs each.

The teacher runs back to the kids and breaks up the fight. When she starts demanding what happen the boy tells her that it was because he could get the purple paper for school.

The teacher then bitch slaps the boy and sends him to the principals office.

The principal is staring him down and ask quietly why he was there.

The boy says that it was because he couldn't get the purple paper for school

Principal then grabs the boy by the hair and starts slamming his head into the desk. Ripping out a nice big bald spot.

Afterwards he expels the kid and makes him walk home.

On his way home this old lady, probably about 110 or so comes up to him on her walker.

She sees the boy crying and all beaten to hell and asky in her grandmotherly way what was wrong.

The boy responds "Everyone (Snob) keeps beating me up (Snob snob) because I couldn't (snob) get the purple paper for schooooooooooollllllll."

The old lady then freaks and starts bashing the poor kid with her walker. She looses her balance and grabs the kids shirt on the way day and continues hitting him.

The boy breaks free, runs across the street, gets hit by a car, and dies.

and the moral of this story is.


Look both ways before you cross the street.
I can't believe you made me read that. I'M BUSY!!! Stupid dick.

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I love you! How's it going?

I drank m face off last night. Not really - it was a fancy dinner adult party and I had white wine and draft beer - both of which make me real wicked weird in the head.

Feel great now though. It's 6am, and I've been pounding water. Now I am just waiting for the rest of the family to wake up so I can play with the babies!!!!!
That's bullshit you shouldn
That's bullshit, you shouldn't be with a girl who's gonna rat you out like that, if anyone dates a girl like that, she truly does not care about you, and only cares about your material posessions. A real girlfriend won't snitch you out like that no matter what. I know people where If there girl ever blackmailed them like that she would be in a life threatening situation,I wouldn't do anything violent to her, but then again I would never put myself in that situation.
I don't date narcs. That goes hand and hand with rule one. Good for you, pure soul hunter. the other 99% of us should stick to the rules.
have you ever undergone psychoanalysis?
I don't need to pay someone to listen to my problems everyone goes through shit. Reality is a mater of perspective and there is a fine line between crazy and so called sane. Usually someone who is a genius is also insane. Besides what kind of crazy nutjob wants to sit down and listen to everyone's problems and mindless ramblings anyway? Someone with their own crazy fetish perhaps hmm? Think about it Sigmund Freud had such a perverted crazy mind that he would project it onto his patients over and over and would make them think they had a sex related problem.