Breach of Privacy


Well-Known Member
I just received this

We write to provide an update in relation to the proposed class action lawsuit against Health Canada in relation to the potential breach of privacy arising from mail outs conveyed by Health Canada in November 2013 with a return address identifying that the mail out was conveyed in relation to the “Marihuana Medical Access Program”. We are working together with three other law firms with respect to this action: McInnes Cooper, Sutts, Strosberg LLP and Charney Lawyers.

We have recently launched an enhanced secure online registration system. Anyone who received the November 2013 letter from Health Canada should register on the registration system at If you have communicated with our office or otherwise provided us with your contact information, you should still register with the secure registration system. Registration on the website will assist us in prosecuting the class action and assessing what potential damages were suffered by the class as a whole. Anyone who has questions or encounters difficulty with the registration system may contact us toll-free at 1.866.241.9914.

On February 20, 2014, the plaintiffs obtained an order permitting them to pursue their action against Health Canada utilizing a pseudonym. In most cases, parties to a legal action are required to name themselves and their names become part of the public record. However, the Federal Court found that the plaintiff’s privacy should be protected and to deny the plaintiffs their anonymity in the action would result in the disclosure of the very information they seek to protect, thereby exacerbating the damage already caused by Health Canada’s November 2013 mailing. Health Canada has appealed the Federal Court’s decision in this regard. A date for the appeal to be heard has not yet been set down but we anticipate it will be heard in the next month.

In the next stage of the litigation, the plaintiffs will seek an order from the Federal Court of Canada to certify the lawsuit as a class action.

All further updates regarding the class action will be posted at Please visit that website periodically to obtain updates as they are available. Please understand that a court action can take months, if not years, to proceed.

Best regards,


Kate Saunders
Branch MacMaster LLP
1410 - 777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1S4
P: 604.654.2951 | F: 604.684.3429


Well-Known Member
I want to make sure that I fill out the form to have any financial settlement to go to Conroy. I don't have it now and if we do win something, I wouldn't feel right keeping it knowing he helped get me where I will be.


Well-Known Member
what? How do they know where to send these letters to? Where did they get a list of people who were part of the MMAR?

Just curious.


Well-Known Member
When this first started, there was a place to register. It sounds like they are just consolidating all the signatures.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking BS
It's OPP in Ontario not RCMP
But if it's true we need to find out how they got the list.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck...... So HC big threat means nothing cause they already went ahead with handing patients info over to the police...and the scarier part is some piece of shit police officer who shouldn't even have a badge can pull us over for no reason just to see if we r caring our fuck them and there stupid fuckin letter of destroying my medicine


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking BS
It's OPP in Ontario not RCMP
But if it's true we need to find out how they got the list.
Um RCMP are nation wide, even in Ontario. It's pretty obvious they got their hands on Health Canada's data base. More gestapo tactics from Fuhrer Harper.


Well-Known Member
The only RCMP I have ever seen in Ontario (41 years) is on horses in a parade.
OPP are the ones out on the roads in cars or the city's own police.
I am sure they are here, but I don't think they are out doing road stops.


Well-Known Member
Why am I not surprised? I would bet big money that they already have "the list". Why should we have to sign up now? I have got to start locking that door behind me!

If that was me I'd be calling HC demanding to know why the RCMP had my name. They know what's coming so they could care less.