Brand new to EVERYTHING.

Well basically I finally have my own place now since I go to school out of town I live on my own for now.
I am new to all of this and have searched around for a "master noob guide" if you will, seeing all these thermastats pumps and shit confuses me to hell but I truly do want to learn.
I guess what I'm asking is since I cant find it myself can anybody direct me to the best place to start? and when I say start only experiences I have right now is smoking it it self XD.
Also if it Help I am in Canada.
I know people are probably going to direct me here
But I really do need a more in depth guide from start to finish.
Hope to start earlier april after gathering supplys.


Active Member
Read my journals man and feel free to pm me any questions. For a noob i suggest start with soil as its easier. Everything depends on what environment you will give /can afford to give your plants so always get the best you can afford and the ladies will reward you. Goodluck :)


My suggestion would be to start with soil. Bit easier to start with IMO. You are best to let everyone know what your growing space will consist of. Def read journals!


Active Member
Read my journals man and feel free to pm me any questions. For a noob i suggest start with soil as its easier. Everything depends on what environment you will give /can afford to give your plants so always get the best you can afford and the ladies will reward you. Goodluck :)
I would agree with starting in soil, I'm on my first grow and when I walked into my hydro shop and explained what I was doing the owner patted me on the shoulder and said you should have started in soil. Though My grow is going excellent for my first time in a bubbleponics setup. Just read peoples experiences and you'll get the just of it! Get a basic of nute deficiencies look at journals for different types of soil or if you'll use hydro find out what nutes you are wanting to use and plant a seed and let it grow, it isn't rocket science.

You can read books and gather information but you truly wont know till you experience it and just play along with each step of your plants growth. Don't buy an extravagant system to start off but a couple of things you'll need lights containers tent ect ect.

Also I'll just add no grow goes 100% perfectly or exactly like your last or someone elses expect problems, embrace them and learn from them yourself and you will love the passion of growing.

my two bits.


Well-Known Member
this is a nice and easy "guide" to look up most basic stuffe even stuff you did`t know you needed:

and as others already said, do a lot of research, read a lot (shouldn't be a problem for a student like yourself :D) google is a great tool, and of course this bord and others but do yourself a favor, take every thing with a grain of salt so to speak, just Bc. its written on the internet or Bc. somebody say so, its not always the absolute truth, not even if it is to him/her, use common sense and logic, and try to keep it simple in the start, often less is more, get good genetic and a set up that can grow the plant, you can't do this half, you can do it on a small scale or big or anything in between, but you will need a few basic things to "copy" nature indoors, light, wind/air temperatures/humidity, grow medium, good water and nutrients, so a investment on 200$ is minimum IMO, 400$ would be better to start with, but 200$ now and 200$ in a month could work, a nice DIY closed with a 250W/400W MH/HPS light with a cool tube and a 4 inch ventilation/filter set up and a small fan could easily grow you 2-4 nice plants if that is what your looking for ?

hope this help, keep asking question and do a lot of research, I must have done 3 month of +2 hrs daily reading/goggling before I finally made the fist step and got a light some seed`s and was of.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Well basically I finally have my own place now since I go to school out of town I live on my own for now.
I am new to all of this and have searched around for a "master noob guide" if you will, seeing all these thermastats pumps and shit confuses me to hell but I truly do want to learn.
I guess what I'm asking is since I cant find it myself can anybody direct me to the best place to start? and when I say start only experiences I have right now is smoking it it self XD.
Also if it Help I am in Canada.
I know people are probably going to direct me here
But I really do need a more in depth guide from start to finish.
Hope to start earlier april after gathering supplys.
you'll have to give us a better idea of what you want to do.

Soil is the most forgiving, then Hydro, and Aero is not for the noob.
You'll have to consider heat and ventillation for your choice of lights.

Let's start there.


Well-Known Member
Read read and read some more. It can be a little confusing starting out but basically you need good soil I would suggest sunshine #4 in the black bag good ventilation you need to keep the air moving in and out of your space and a fan to circulate the air around your grow space good nutes that doesn't mean expensive just not cheap home depot nutes and a good light. I would expect to spend around $600 on good equipment and nutes for initial setup for a couple plants and after that its just replacing nutrients and the occasional bulb

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
pro mix as your medium with some extra perlite and a one part solution for your base nutrients. start with cfl or t5 light setup and a 3x3 tent. as for seeds or strains, try to stick with one variety until you learn how to water/feed and read plants properly.


Well-Known Member
Get a good light, tent, remote temp/RH sensor and fan setup to start. Spend the $$$ up front. Then start with pots, good soil WITH drainage and a basic nute line like GH. Have fun .. Its a blast. YouTube has lots of info. Jorge Cervantez is one. Then move to hydro if you wish. I like soil myself. Do first run with bag seed or clones as you may screw it up. Very common. Preventing pests is easier than fighting them.
Sorry for the late reply guys, just was actually doing some readin on other forums as well.
Anyways for thos who want to know I guess im thinking of soil since im a completely noob, If I gave you guys a pricew range would that help?
If so its around 800$-1000$ and I get payed around 1000$ every 2 weeks since I work as well so ya right now I can invest that and addon later, also im in CANADA so please dont suggest anything im going to need to bring ascross the border.