Brand New. First Time. Advice?

OK guys, I just read through a copy of SeeMoreBud's "Buds for Less" and have been doing some research. I've learned a lot by searching the forums, reading journals and checking out Q&A posts. I think I'm ready for my first attempt. My expected yields are really low as I only want to focus on one plant. However, there are a LOT of variables to growing since everyone's situation is different. I want to make sure I start out with an acceptable system. So, here's where I currently am:

Space: I have a 3ft. x 2ft. x 4 1/2ft. closet space that I'd like to use. In that space, I want to build an enclosed box made of plywood that I can set everything in. I only want to use the box to prevent light leaks (for my babies and for stealth) and enclose some of the smell.

Lighting: I had the idea of building an adjustable five CFL bulb setup that can be positioned so that one light is on each side of the plant and one is above it. I want to start with 5000K CFL bulbs during veg. and switch them out with 2500K bulbs during flowering. Someone else recommended I buy a 150w HPS Mini Grow Light for $70 instead. Which is the better choice when it comes to heat and growing? I would think the change in lights with the CFL bulbs would be a better setup to mimic nature, but I could be totally wrong about that.

--- Now this might sound really paranoid, but what are the chances of being popped by a FLIR flyover running the above setup? I live in Texas and our laws are really harsh. Some people say FLIR flyovers are only used when in possession of a warrant. Others say it's used to find possible ops. I tried to Google the legality and use of this tactic but I wasn't able to find anything useful.

VENTING: I have nowhere to vent! I can place fans in the box to circulate air, but when it comes to venting the air I have no options. I can vent the air into my bedroom, but that just seems like I'm asking for trouble even if I have a carbon filter setup. I have family coming in for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Nobody ever comes into my room as I own a pit bull, but it seems like the smell would eventually seep out. I can't have big ass random ventilation tubing going across my floor either. I placed a thermometer in my closet and it seems to maintain a pretty consistent temperature of about 70 degrees. How much of a heat increase will I see with the CFL or HPS system?

Soil and nutrients: So I don't have access to the really high end soil like Fox Farms. Someone recommended Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic and Fox Farm liquid soil formula (the three pack). I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about Miracle Grow (including MG organic) and don't think I want to use that soil. I plan on using a soil / perlite mix for aeration and adding the nutrients. I still need to find info on WHEN to add the nutrients and HOW MUCH. However, my concern is more about adequately managing my pH levels as SeeMoreBuds does in his book. I'll be purchasing a pH water testing meter and pH up as well as pH down. I have really hard water where I live (I get well water) and will probably allow my water to sit for 24 hours then testing before watering.

I feel I'm on the right track here, but maybe you guys see something that I'm doing wrong. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Well first off I highly doubt you are going to have to worry about flyovers lol especially since you only are growing one plant, i dont even think they can pick up that minimal amount of lighting. all the feds care about are big grow ops where the producers are making six digit figures from there crops. lol since its your first grow its really up to you whether or not you choose cfl's or hps. of course hps are better. And its said that hps produce bigger and better yields. i like the cfl idea though since you have a small grow. uhm you want ventilation man. idk how the pros do it lol. anyways i dont think you are going to have to worry too much bout the smell especislly since you have a carbon scrubber. and besides you are going to be growing one plant man lol. you swear like you have a forest in your closet lol just burn some incense and keep the dog away from your grow lol. good growing dude


Well-Known Member
You are going to need to vent the closet even if it's just into the room and its going to smell especially in flower...
Well first off I highly doubt you are going to have to worry about flyovers lol especially since you only are growing one plant, i dont even think they can pick up that minimal amount of lighting. all the feds care about are big grow ops where the producers are making six digit figures from there crops. lol since its your first grow its really up to you whether or not you choose cfl's or hps. of course hps are better. And its said that hps produce bigger and better yields. i like the cfl idea though since you have a small grow. uhm you want ventilation man. idk how the pros do it lol. anyways i dont think you are going to have to worry too much bout the smell especislly since you have a carbon scrubber. and besides you are going to be growing one plant man lol. you swear like you have a forest in your closet lol just burn some incense and keep the dog away from your grow lol. good growing dude
I've learned a lot in my time of smoking. I'm a loner. When I smoke, I'm typically sitting down and listening to music while I think. I used to drive around while smoking, get high in parking lots before going into the store and even get high right before class. I've learned how stupid I was back then. I never really thought about the consequences of my actions. I read so many stories of people getting away with it that I just assumed a cop encounter would end well for me. One day I realized how stupid that was. Ever since, I've taken a LOT of caution with how I operate. But yeah, I won't be growing more than one plant as I really don't need or want anything more than an ounce (though I'm still aiming low).

I really appreciate the rest of your feedback, man. I think what I'll do is tally up how much it'll cost to get everything online and then check my local Home Depot to compare the prices.

You are going to need to vent the closet even if it's just into the room and its going to smell especially in flower...
I was thinking the same thing. What I'll probably do is setup a couple fans to circulate the air and use a TruAir odor removal plugin as well as a carbon scrubber. Hopefully that'll prevent the smell from assaulting my family members' noses. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry about odour if you have a carbon scrubber; those babies really do the job!
And nothing's going to pick up a little heat signature that 5 cfls, in a box, push out I reckon.
Sounds like you're on the case..(an advantage of being a loner? Time... Is for me anyway ;))
You don't have to worry about odour if you have a carbon scrubber; those babies really do the job!
And nothing's going to pick up a little heat signature that 5 cfls, in a box, push out I reckon.
Sounds like you're on the case..(an advantage of being a loner? Time... Is for me anyway ;))
Thanks! I think I'm going to go with the five CFL setup with ventilation back into my room to disperse the heat. I'm with you on this. I don't think the CFLs will put off anywhere near enough heat for me to be worried about FLIR. It might heat up the box a little, but even if it's substantial (which I don't suspect it will be), it should escape through the small cracks in the closet and circulate under my ceiling fan. And if that's not enough, we have an attic. The only thing I need to worry about is flyovers. A car can't see my room from the street. So I think I'm pretty safe.

Edit: And if it gets too hot, winter is coming anyway so I can just pull some cool air in. :P

You're right about time, too. So much time to do what I want to do. I've never been one for parties or even small groups. I spend most of my time studying and thinking about the world. In fact, part of the reason why I'm starting my own op. is because everyone I try to buy from has some sort of stipulation involved.