Branches purpuling help!!!


Well-Known Member
one of my plants branches are starting to go a lil purpulish on me. The leaves are fucked... they dont look like MJ leaves anymore. Ill get a picture on here after work but what might be the problem?

by they dont look like mj leaves anymore i mean that instead of 7 spikes they,r putting out 1 sometime 3 spikes.... weird shit...


Active Member
that plant is pretty damn healthy dude. turn off your hid light to take pictures, it will make them easier to analyze. different strains have different leaf shapes and sizes, and the temperature changes the color of the plant, the purple is neither beneficial nor harmful to your plant. all 8 of my babies have purple stems almost all the way up and theyre healthy and happy as can be.


Well-Known Member
that plant is pretty damn healthy dude. turn off your hid light to take pictures, it will make them easier to analyze. different strains have different leaf shapes and sizes, and the temperature changes the color of the plant, the purple is neither beneficial nor harmful to your plant. all 8 of my babies have purple stems almost all the way up and theyre healthy and happy as can be.

thanks bud.
Called my buddy at the hydro shop earlier on, explained him that the plant was started outside (had started flowering a lil i guess) and that i brought it back to veg. Told me the purpling and the leaf screw up could very well be because of stress. So ill let it be, feed it half dose nutes and see how it goes.