BRAINSTORM GROW BY DUTCH PASSION indoor grow... first grow in 5 years

This is something like day 25 or so of flower? It does look like heat stress to me too. I would do all this : get a backup thermometer to verify your temp readings right above plants, 2. Start flushing with RO water only for 1-2 weeks and watch the flower growth. My question is, how did your roots look on the plants you threw out?


Active Member
Haha .. obviously, i'm not reading so well. Are you still water only? check your soil ph ?
Ok. Been on water only now for 10 days. Switching to foxfarms big bud, and beastie bloomz in 2 days. Beastie blooms is 0-50-30. Also I wasnt ph my water. I ordered A KIT and it will be here tomorrw or friday so I dont know about my ph... the roots on the 23 I cut were really healthy... Same goes for the stalk, and the flowers were still healthy too and even smakable with a good taste and nicde high after 4 or 5 days drying... Onlt the leaves all just died... literally within 6 hors were grey limp and blotchy. next day all leaves were crispy and smelled bad


Well-Known Member
you started your bloom booster to EARLY !!!
my brainstorm are 4 weeks flowering and no bloom booster added now, i will start at 6 weeks, they are long flowering plant, much more than what dutch passion suggest, they are northernlight x original haze !!!

Captain Cave Man

Active Member
Some nutrients really fuck up your ph! dont go adding any nutes until the test kit arrives then mix up your water and check after


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm fucked up couple of plants of mine it like if some plants like it but some dont its weird fromm one day to the next gone


Active Member
Wow thats a bummer man... Did you check the roots? What was your watering schedule? Maybe you over watered them and then root rot? Those leaves were super droopy..