brainfuck inducing books


Active Member
Alice in Wonderland/Into the Looking-Glass (even trippy when sober), Poe's trippy but not my preference while tripping, Heart of Darkness and a lot of other conrad books are pretty trippy (albeit kinda dark), and my favorite A Brief History of Time. When I read it high, my mind wanders and explores all the possibilities Hawking talks about. But it's not like thinking about it as much as it's like watching a movie about it. Doesn't seem to hapen with other books really... It's pretty fuckin' mindblowing.


Well-Known Member
moonchild and diary of a drug fiend both written by alister crowly dont let his reputation discurage you from reading his semi-fictional work its very well written
House of Leaves is amazing!
Only revolutions is a very good book in my opinion as well. (by Mark Z.)
The art of seeing by Aldous Huxley is one of my favorite of his works.
Terence McKenna - 'Food of the Gods' is a good one!
Illusions and delusions of the supernatural and the occult by D.H. Rawcliffe
Anything by Jack Kerouac, that man is amazing.
'Pale Fire' by Vladimir Nabokov

I was considering buying a kindle since I read an enormous amount of material, anyone got one yet?

Ohhh and the God Delusion by richard dawkins
this is all!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I was considering buying a kindle since I read an enormous amount of material, anyone got one yet?
I just modded my NOOK
It took 20 minutes.
Slower than Kindle but runs on Android and I have root.
I also have the 3G+Wi-Fi one ... so it's online all the time. (Free) ;)
Supports PDF's ..... so my lifetime collections of books ... and magazines and journals from back in the day are getting read.
Ports for memory stick ... plays mp3's ... pictures ...
Have a look at specs ...


Here is more info on the hack
Read more ...

If you have the money tho Nook Color is the way to go
read more ...



Well-Known Member
My books will still be here long after the capacitors in that thing would have seen their shelflife.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
My books will still be here long after the capacitors in that thing would have seen their shelflife.
I have many of those as well .... :)
Nothing like rotating pages with the tips of your fingers ... ahh ... I am with you ... brother !
Beautiful pictures ... art ... on paper .... nothing better ....

By the end of this day ... I will have all the books mentioned in this thread ready for me to .... read ... on my electronic reader
in the bathtub (as the laptop is to heavy)

Will you have the same access ?? To this information ... ?

It's all about the access and content ANC.

Also ... with a couple of lines of code ... I have free internet for life. Can't beat that for $ 250 !
I can also write my own apps ... and run them on android.


I don't need my books forever ... my body will not last that long ... only as long as I need them to read/understand and reference .... besides .... ideas are free and should not be kept hidden.


Well-Known Member
lol, probably not even with the hardware... lol, this is africa afterall.
But yeah I've had a thing for books since I can remember, my mom taught me how to read while she was potty training me.
Don't read that many books these days, but still buy the paper when I find something nice online.... Ooh and I love the smell of old books.
I have some from 1902 signed by my ancestors... with excactly the same interests... genetics, whoohoo.

I'm still oldskool machine laguage, but then again I design from the chip up.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I share your sentiments dear brother ...
I am holding an original copy 1892 print of
The Discovery and Conquest of the New World

Smells great ... that book ...when I open it ...
I keep my sheets there ;)


Well-Known Member
"chariot of the gods" for an alternative few on religion as a hole

I was just discussing that book with my friend in the other room who was watching this thing on discovery channel or something called "Ancient Aliens".

Right now they are talking about Nazi connections with aliens, weird stuff.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm a big UFO/alien nerd, always have been, so I kind of love stuff like this...

Chariots of the Gods is good reading as far as the info goes, but to be honest I hate the way the author writes... but maybe that's just me.