Boycott The Attitude!

I just got done reading all of this and hobbes you helped me alot i might not have asked for your help but just from most of your posts ive been helped on many things..Thank you.


Hey wyteberrywidow!

I remember the Avatar, love it. Thanks for the Kudos, it's been great knowing you all.


I'm on the verge of flipping. It'll happen soon, don't worry.


I'm not in the least bit concerned of what might occur if you flip. Sure I would hate to hear that you ended up in a padded room wearing a coat with arms that tied in the back, but nothing you could ever do could or would directly affect my life in any negative way, therefore my total lack of concern if you flip.

Again though, the parallel between this and what happened on the old Cannabis World are freaky Friday. A member seemed to become irrational and then upset and then made threats and then became highly agitated and it began during the holiday season and the place was gone sometime in early or mid January, the guy cracked servers and fed the Feds of Canada and the U.S. info and RC went down in a somewhat similar way to Marc Emery, though I do believe I remember reading in the last few months that the charges were finally dropped or he was cleared, I do not remember which.

But it began the same way and it began during the holiday season, in December to be exact, so that makes me wonder what is going on with you and is why I said if this were my site it would cause me to be concerned.

We could be witnessing the first act of a repeat performance.
.it's been great knowing you all..

Now I have no idea of if you mean that as you believe you will be able to get the site closed down or if you are planning to off yourself, or just leave the site, but again, this is amazingly the same as what happened on the old Cannabis World. The guy that went off said he was going to off himself one night during one of his tirades sometime close to Christmas.

This is just all too similar to what happened there during the same time of year, the holiday season, resulting in Cannabis World vanishing to ignore it.

Where's that dipshit fdd?

You got any power now boy?

You got the power to delete this thread?

You got the power to freeze my account?

You got the power to EDIT?


Come on fdd, you passive aggressive hippy

pretend that you're a man for moment

or a woman

I don't care

Just stop being a wet noodle


Chill dude ..... he's dealing with a serious personal issue at the moment and doesn't need this. I had forgotten about it for a bit and let myself get too aggressive and made things worse by pushing you but I won't say anything else in this thread .... just do one kind thing and don't push FDD right now ... OK?
Chill dude ..... he's dealing with a serious personal issue at the moment and doesn't need this. I had forgotten about it for a bit and let myself get too aggressive and made things worse by pushing you but I won't say anything else in this thread .... just do one kind thing and don't push FDD right now ... OK?


Understood, thanks Bricktop.

I'm not here to add to anyone's suffering or burden

fdd stays out of my threads I leave him alone




We're all dealing with personal fucking issues

Cry me a fucking river


I don't have to do a thing

Direct action is the last refuge of the incompetent.



You really don't understand the way the world works yet

I don't think you ever will

I don't

but I can play with it for a short time

At least online




Hobbes help me.. what do i doo with 2 600w !~

Understood, thanks Bricktop.

I'm not here to add to anyone's suffering or burden


I don't have to do a thing

You really don't understand the way the world works yet

I don't think you ever will

I don't

but I can play with it for a short time

At least online




Now I have no idea of if you mean that as you believe you will be able to get the site closed down or if you are planning to off yourself, or just leave the site, but again, this is amazingly the same as what happened on the old Cannabis World. The guy that went off said he was going to off himself one night during one of his tirades sometime close to Christmas.

This is just all too similar to what happened there during the same time of year, the holiday season, resulting in Cannabis World vanishing to ignore it.

Bricktop honestly, are you just drawing me out or are you that dense?



"Ok ... what kind ... of ... ah ... sandwiches ... do you .. ah ... want?"


the MOON !!!.. room is a garage. so space is big? i have a 18gal. 4x plant dwc im keeping under 1 light with the other light next to it..which will be over 3gal ffof soil pots in a tray.?

Can you afford a light mover?

That would be my first addition. Constant light destroys chloroplast, makes the plant less efficient at absorbing light. So the more constant light we throw at the plants the lower percentage of total they keep.

Double the amount of plants that you can grow.


Next would be root trimming with your DWC. Trim the roots 2" or 3" above your pump - trim them every day if you want. Longer roots are useless in hydro - triming will produce a delta of roots that will increase water uptake.


Stem training to work with the inverse square law.


Air floor.


Don't ever trim a leaf - they're your evaporation pumps as well as shade to keep the sun leaves from being damaged. Light mover.


All in Weed Science, linked for free download in blue and red at the bottom of each of my posts.


You do those 5 things and you'll double your yield and increase potency.



i am subbing to your brain tell me more.. i can* afford a light mover but dont want 1 in the GARAGE !.. plus where would my other light go !!! You mean.. only let my plants roots get like..a ft long? then keep cutting 1-2 inches away from bubbler? but i have a 950GPH pump. umm any info on nutes. in all i own SeaWeed Ext. / Sylica Blast / Bat Guano / FF Grow Big n Bloom / Kangaroots / B1 thrive. what else do i need. What is this stem training. AIR FLOOR? is what.
Why do you think nobody helps others?




Only do so much to survive. It's who we are as a species.


In an early extended family or village there can only be so many leaders or they will kill each other. So many workers, just like ants.

Why do we have fat people? Because skinny people die of starvation on a 300 mile walk to the next food source.

Our actions are a simple extension of our genetics.

Most people will not overcome their programming, so they see others as wrong even though the others are helping people and they are not.

It is simply who we have evolved to be.



Almost everyone sees themselves as correct regardless their actions, how would our species survive otherwise?

i am subbing to your brain tell me more.. i can* afford a light mover but dont want 1 in the GARAGE !.. plus where would my other light go !!! You mean.. only let my plants roots get like..a ft long? then keep cutting 1-2 inches away from bubbler? but i have a 950GPH pump. umm any info on nutes. in all i own SeaWeed Ext. / Sylica Blast / Bat Guano / FF Grow Big n Bloom / Kangaroots / B1 thrive. what else do i need. What is this stem training. AIR FLOOR? is what.


Yes, only let your roots grow to above the top of your pumps.

Think of a straw. If you have a glass of soda in front of you why do you need a 3' straw?

It just takes longer, and is harder, to draw the soda.

All of the soda must pass the same point in the straw.

Roots are the same.


The raw material that the plant used to make long skinny pipes can be used to make many short fat pipes to carry more water and nutrients.


Exquiset detail in weed science.

THIS IS TRU !! Listen to the spoken word of Hobbeism! please tell me more ! If i were to not have a light mover.. what would be my best option to go under 2 600 next to one another if you were trying to get +++ yield. I dont have Co2 and can only afford the 120$ Co2 Boost bucket if you think itll help. but like I said, im in a garage..iiCan have plenty of outside vent. but not total seal you know? big area,fan & such. but ima try the bucket. :) uhm any tips?
ok so, What would you Recommend me doing to get a better potency? nute wise? what would you add. Uhm.. .since I dont have a 8x8ft tent yet to maintain a co2 lvl. I wanna get everything else in order. How many soil plants under the light ? i figured 6x 3gal. pots?

"What is this stem training. AIR FLOOR? is what."

Click on the Weed Sciece link below.

I spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars developing that ebook specifically for you Raw, the least you could do is click the fucking link.

If you are too high to read click the Only In Dreams link - OID video follows all of our techniques.
