Boycott The Attitude!


Not you folks, just a random poster posting. Please don't be offended by what Marc is going to have to say over the next few days.

way cheaper as I will grow an acre outside which will make it very cheap

will not be easy but will be way easier and cheaper to do alcohol isn't it? And alcohol requires alot more resources to produce that weed does..then why is it so inexpensive compared to weed? Because alcohol is legal...that is the ONLY reason...if weed were legal the economics will judicate it to be cheaper than it is...inevitable...illegal is never better


You may think so. But ask some of the CoOps in NoCal how much it costs to tag 99 plants...........And thats 5 acres......

EDIT: My point is once it does become "legal". it will still be considered a drug and controlled by big brother. And we all know anything controlled by big brother, never cheap...........
they have already done the same with alcohol my is cheaper...think about it...I don't wanna grow for anyone but me and my need to sell need for them to license my farm...don't license your tomatoes do you?...sure there will be fees and taxes but it will still be cheaper that what the black market charges due to the illegality...perfect no...better yes


Hi Jodie

I'm a long time medical marijuana patient from Canada who's never read your magazine, browsed your seed site, learned about Marc's plight or the suffering that you personally are enduring. I am apathy.

I have launched a massive marijuana legalization campaign, The Wind, directed at the biggest enemies of Marijuana legalization - us - the marijuana community. Apathy.

I know that you are screaming at the walls at night for people to get off their fucking asses and do something - ANYTHING! Fail, succeed - just help - because YOU are in pain.

The Wind is the worst type of gangster - one that operates to the last punctuation of the letter of the law, to bring suffering unto those who bring suffering unto others.

The Wind is bitter medicine, it slaps then it bites then it rends. It is relentless.

I need your help, either as an ally or a foe.

The only thing that I cannot use to

get Marc out of jail

is the middle



Please ... take the time to look over my work. Below are links to threads on RollItUp that I use as workbenches for developing ideas. I'm an intermediate level grower who's found different perspectives on growing - my yield is multiples what is considered an expert, my strains all knock out potent, my flowering time reducing with every harvest even after more than a dozen years growing. EVERYTHING for the past 3 years is documented in threads with 1800 unique images.

I have a free ebook online. I am not a writer, I did not know what new growers needed, I had no resources. So I used the new grower as my resource, set up a thread in the newbie forum and answered every question that I could find relevant to my growing stye. I sourced the consolidated heavy weight champions of the growing world - the indoor grower posting online - with every FAQ. And gave credit whenever I could remember. I invested thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars and now I have an ebook. And new growers are reporting documented 75% increases in yield. The information came from the growing community and it is given back free to whoever wants it. I just carried the baton for a little while.

Now it is time for me to pick up the baton for Marc, until he gets out of jail then I'm going to smack him on the head with it and go surfing. If I have to I will wrest it from his control for just a little while, but I ain’t keepen’ it. My announimity is my greatest treasure, and I do not expect to come out of this with a penny.


You will not like my methods

If we ever meet you may not like me

What you will like is Marc free from jail and marijuana legal the world over.

Put up with me for this, I am working towards a good end even though you may think that I am committing acts of cruelty.

Suffering is an equation, and it is not always a simple one. But all equations must balance.

We have too much suffering on our side of the equal sign.

My kindness has fangs and claws to rend the flesh from your enemies.

I am creative, I work within the letter of the law, I find resources that others do not see.

When you see what I am starting on RollItUp, please look at it - if only for a moment - from your perspective.

These are the people responsible for Marc being in prison, because of their apathy, senseless cruelty and avarice.

You may not agree at the moment ... you may ... it is a matter of perspective.

Which perspective will accomplish our goal of freeing Marc?

To ease needless suffering I don’t care which perspective is right or wrong, only which one will work.

Freeing Marc is now MY campaign as well as yours, whether I am welcome or not.

I need Marc out of jail, and I will do whatever I have to do, within the letter of the law

To Free Marc.


No free hats though. (South Park episode, Free Hat)


Because if I can free Marc I will already have begun Crop Circle Of Bud:

- marijuana growers will teach the hungry to feed themselves around the world

- seed breeders will breed better strains of corn, beans and lentils

- we will be heros instead of slimebags

- Perspective


The scope of The Academy's plan is much larger than marijuana legalization, but marijuana legalization is absolutely key to achieving our goals of relieving suffer where ever we find it - by bitch slapping apathy and crushing needless cruelty - with kindness to others within the letter of the law.

I must free Marc to get what I want

I hope we can work together

If not

I hope we can work against each other

The only way that I cannot use YOU to help ME to free Marc

Is for you to ignore me



Please ... help me by helping me to free Marc. Rest for awhile, The Wind will carry you.




Maybe I missed something but would someone please explain to me how boycotting a seedbank, or even a number or all of them, and or certain breeders, going to cause the U.S. Congress to pass legislation to legalize marijuana and cause a U.S. President to sign it into law ... all on top of causing the majority of the U.S. population to support it?

Look at the recent attempt to get marijuana legalized in California, the most liberal State in the nation. The majority of voters would not support it, it was shot down.

How will boycotting foreign businesses and breeders bring about a total major change in the beliefs of the nation and in Congress and in a President?

Hi Bicktop

"Maybe I missed something"

I cannot speak to this.

"but would someone please explain to me how boycotting a seedbank"



Good questions though. +rep



Bricktop did I ever tell you that I ran a whole serries of Vapourizer DIY cartoons for you, because of seeing your avatar?

Download the Vaporizer chapter of Weed Science, link below. The Piker was conceived through our meeting online.

I don't like the wording on that, let me think for a moment and I'll come back and edit ...


Hi Bicktop

"Maybe I missed something"

I cannot speak to this.

"but would someone please explain to me how boycotting a seedbank"



Good questions though. +rep



If you come up with an answer to my question, please let me know.

It is only my belief but I believe the only way marijuana will ever become legal in the U.S. is ...

What would be needed, in this exact order

1.) When it can be proven to the government that it will be highly beneficial to the government, or even outright needed by the government.

2.) When it can be proven to the government that it would be in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

3.) When the majority of the U.S. population can be convinced it would be in their best interest to have marijuana legalized

4.) When it can be proven to the government that it would be in the best interest of the individual citizens, including medicinal users, of the nation.

The LAST thing that will ever be taken into consideration by the government in regards to legalization of marijuana will be the individual U.S. citizen, be they medicinal users or not.

Regardless of the kind loving caring facade the government attempts to portray itself as being to fool the people, the U.S. government is a cold heartless soulless bureaucratic machine that does not think and does not care. It only acts, inanely in most cases, and then it reacts to whatever response it's initial inane act brings about in what is normally an equally or even more inane fashion.
they have already done the same with alcohol my is cheaper...think about it...I don't wanna grow for anyone but me and my need to sell need for them to license my farm...don't license your tomatoes do you?...sure there will be fees and taxes but it will still be cheaper that what the black market charges due to the illegality...perfect no...better yes


This is what the cause DOES NOT NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you think you will ever be able to grow weed in your backyard like 'maters? Bet you also believe the Saints will make it to the Superbowl this year! HAHAHAHAHA
i think Hobbes needs a girlfriend ;)

A hooker would be a better option .... oh .. pardon me ... semantics need be used ... an escort to escort his penis into her vagina would be a better option. Girlfriends and wives bring major headaches. Cash & carry is always better. Wham bam thank you ma'am and the needed part is finished and the pain in the butt part is totally avoided.
A hooker would be a better option .... oh .. pardon me ... semantics need be used ... an escort to escort his penis into her vagina would be a better option. Girlfriends and wives bring major headaches. Cash & carry is always better. Wham bam thank you ma'am and the needed part is finished and the pain in the butt part is totally avoided.

I think 'an escort to direct' would be more politically correct........
You guys are fucking retarded. No one is talking about a specific seed bank so really drop it.

Imagine if all growers took the time to breed one crop, and gave them away, spread them all over and let nature do it's thing, etc.

Shitty weed or not, it would change the world.

My thinking exactly. Thinking maybe 2 plants per grow, pollinated with good genetics. Harvesting once a month, it shouldn't take too long to get a lot of seeds.
You guys are fucking retarded. No one is talking about a specific seed bank so really drop it.

Maybe the confusion began from the thread title being; "Boycott The Attitude!"and The Attitude is a seedbank and then in another message it said; "And The Attitude and Subcool are a microcosm of who we are as a community..."

When "The Attitude" was used, and The Attitude is the name of a major seedbank, one that is talked about here a great deal, and a specific breeder whose gear is sold there was mentioned too, it did give the appearance that The Attitude seedbank was being referred to ... especially since the title of the thread was not Boycott Seedbanks.

I'm sure it was an unintended error that only you caught, but possibly you might be able to see how some who are not as quick as you might have been confused.
the confusion has been settled. he is talking specifically about the seed company named The Attitude. He has stated it clearly in one of the later posts.
If you come up with an answer to my question, please let me know.

It is only my belief but I believe the only way marijuana will ever become legal in the U.S. is ...

What would be needed, in this exact order

1.) When it can be proven to the government that it will be highly beneficial to the government, or even outright needed by the government.

2.) When it can be proven to the government that it would be in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

3.) When the majority of the U.S. population can be convinced it would be in their best interest to have marijuana legalized

4.) When it can be proven to the government that it would be in the best interest of the individual citizens, including medicinal users, of the nation.

The LAST thing that will ever be taken into consideration by the government in regards to legalization of marijuana will be the individual U.S. citizen, be they medicinal users or not.

Regardless of the kind loving caring facade the government attempts to portray itself as being to fool the people, the U.S. government is a cold heartless soulless bureaucratic machine that does not think and does not care. It only acts, inanely in most cases, and then it reacts to whatever response it's initial inane act brings about in what is normally an equally or even more inane fashion.


Let's work from the premise that marijuana is now illegal and the common sense, logical approach that you are proposing - because you are a common sense logical compassionate person - this common sense approach has not achieved legalization.


I put the question back on you Bricktop - why is marijuana illegal if a simple common sense approach has not achieved the results that we want?

And how will we overcome that?

To tell me that I am wrong is an opinion, tell me how to correct my mistakes.

Tell me how to correct the mistakes of thousands who went before me, with greater talent and resources, yet marijuana is still illegal.





poor hobbes is losing his mind this is the rant of a man insane, im sorry i agree with a lot of the things you say man but you really are losing it man. It's a sad day for me hobbes has lost it completely instead of just being that eccentric canadian...