Boycott China.

It's not just the coronavirus they foisted on the planet. The CCP is behind the endangerment of many species. More than two thirds of all fishing boats in the world are PRC. From ivory to shark fins to tigers, poachers everywhere are serving the PRC market and it's the powerful in that country who profit. It's the rich, not the average Chinese citizen who is no different from any other person. It's the CCP.
Yet again, the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for mass death. It's time to hold them to account.

Trump will end up being held responsible for a huge number of deaths yet to come in the US. He knew about it but choose to ignore the warnings and is still setting up the US for a big fall.

The whole constitution of the US is geared toward making sure that the gov't could not do things to endanger the populace and if they did patriots would arise fully armed as set forward in the 2nd amendment to put down a mad-dog gov't as is now running the US and will cause millions of deaths that should not have happened. It's an act of terrorism by any definition of the term.

Your Putin/Kim Jong loving president is holding a gun to your head. What are you prepared to do?

It's all going down the tubes now. The NWO is ready to finalize it's plan as per Bushs' and the Masons plan. If you think the Illuminati is a conspiracy theory you are about to be rudely awoken.

The bitch of it is that Trump doesn't have a f'n clue! He's the last pawn in the game and it's all but over. Check and mate.

We need a new messiah and neither Trump or Biden is it.

Jah help us all in the coming trials. It will not only define each persons character but will define how the world proceeds into future generations.

I don't like him either but the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a pandemic because of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. They wrote laws condoning wet markets for bushmeat and the consumption of exotic and critically endangered animals. They covered up the human to human transmission of it for weeks which ensured its global spread. They rejected all offers of international aid in order to conceal the impact in the hope of saving markets which deprived us all of valuable epidemiological data. The blame falls squarely on their shoulders.

Trump is just an idiot. Just ignore him.
Yet again, the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for mass death. It's time to hold them to account.
How many deaths is the US and it's war machine responsible for over the years do you suppose? We sold arms to all the corners of the world and some of those ended up in not so nice people and countries hands! Throwing blame is not gonna help anyone I'm afraid. We are a consumer market that helped China become what it is today. Look around, how much stuff in your place was produced there? You only buy 100% American made goods? Yeah well then I'd say you are pretty well off if so! Not many people in America are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy that privilege, look around a large inner city neighborhood, it's difficult enough to find real food that isn't jacked up corn syrup let alone a affordable American made good.
How many deaths is the US and it's war machine responsible for over the years do you suppose?
Your point? The US has been to war against the PLA by proxy twice. The US has not attacked the CCP. On the contrary, the United States rescued them from the Imperial Japanese forces. They unleashed this, it is 100% their fault. They are now convincing their subjects that we did it while encouraging such propaganda as cited in post #6 of this thread.

That is yet another attack by them against the US. They are belligerent, just as they are increasingly in other ways and in other regions. Particularly in economic ways, they have repeatedly threatened and attacked the United States, unilaterally. This is after decades of friendly gestures by the US and special treatment in regard to trade.

Fuck them.
I don't like him either but the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a pandemic because of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. They wrote laws condoning wet markets for bushmeat and the consumption of exotic and critically endangered animals. They covered up the human to human transmission of it for weeks which ensured its global spread. They rejected all offers of international aid in order to conceal the impact in the hope of saving markets which deprived us all of valuable epidemiological data. The blame falls squarely on their shoulders.

Trump is just an idiot. Just ignore him.

I agree with the Trump being an idiot part but the link between the Chinese and the bush meat causing this Covid crisis is bunk and even if a link is established it's really not relevant.

The whole planet is rapidly evolving much faster than it would if there wasn't 8 billion stinking little parasites on it's hide stinking the place up.

Covid-19 is just the tip of the iceberg. The permafrost is melting at an accelerating rate and will release not only massive amounts of CO2 and methane but microorganisms that humans have never met like Covid-19 but maybe a whole lot worse.

Are we going to blame that on the Chinese too?

The main reason the Chinese are racing ahead of everybody else is because western civilizations sold their souls to the corporate gods. They made profit their sole reason to be and to hell with the consequences. Sensible environmental controls and decent living wages took a big chunk out of shareholders profits so the only profitable thing to do was get our stuff made overseas. I didn't see no children making my running shoes says Nike.

Factories and cities devoted to them bloomed all over China as well as thousands of dirty coal-fired power plants to supply the thousands of new factories with power to make American branded goods to fill American stores that would wipe out small businesses across the nation and send all the profits off the continent. Thanx for nothing Walmart!

We have no one but ourselves to blame. As a boomer who ignorantly blew my grandkids inheritance out the tailpipe of my Dodge Cornet 440 I can only plead ignorance. It was a hell of a ride but I didn't mean for you to have to pay the piper.

Really sorry about that. :(
the link between the Chinese and the bush meat causing this Covid crisis is bunk
No, it's scientifically proven. There's even a peer reviewed study that concludes as much and it's published in no less that Nature, probably the most reliable scientific journal ever.

I stopped reading there because I don't suffer foolishness well. If you want me to read your posts, don't start with foolish statements.
I agree with the Trump being an idiot part but the link between the Chinese and the bush meat causing this Covid crisis is bunk and even if a link is established it's really not relevant.

The whole planet is rapidly evolving much faster than it would if there wasn't 8 billion stinking little parasites on it's hide stinking the place up.

Covid-19 is just the tip of the iceberg. The permafrost is melting at an accelerating rate and will release not only massive amounts of CO2 and methane but microorganisms that humans have never met like Covid-19 but maybe a whole lot worse.

Are we going to blame that on the Chinese too?

The main reason the Chinese are racing ahead of everybody else is because western civilizations sold their souls to the corporate gods. They made profit their sole reason to be and to hell with the consequences. Sensible environmental controls and decent living wages took a big chunk out of shareholders profits so the only profitable thing to do was get our stuff made overseas. I didn't see no children making my running shoes says Nike.

Factories and cities devoted to them bloomed all over China as well as thousands of dirty coal-fired power plants to supply the thousands of new factories with power to make American branded goods to fill American stores that would wipe out small businesses across the nation and send all the profits off the continent. Thanx for nothing Walmart!

We have no one but ourselves to blame. As a boomer who ignorantly blew my grandkids inheritance out the tailpipe of my Dodge Cornet 440 I can only plead ignorance. It was a hell of a ride but I didn't mean for you to have to pay the piper.

Really sorry about that. :(
China is probably buying up American stocks, I can't believe America let's foreigners own American Stock, fuckin idiots
I don't like him either but the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a pandemic because of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. They wrote laws condoning wet markets for bushmeat and the consumption of exotic and critically endangered animals. They covered up the human to human transmission of it for weeks which ensured its global spread. They rejected all offers of international aid in order to conceal the impact in the hope of saving markets which deprived us all of valuable epidemiological data. The blame falls squarely on their shoulders.

Trump is just an idiot. Just ignore him.

Ok, and we had ample warning about it and did nothing. Your anger is misplaced and you’re ignorant, posting shit you can’t read in another language, hint that banner doesn’t say what you think it does. How’s it feel knowing you’re a meat puppet?
Care to share what it actually says please?
It’s talking about Japan not America. It’s saying let the virus continue to spread in Japan. Japanese killed millions of Chinese so we have a history and when they say something like this about us we take it in stride, I imagine if a Jew said they hated Germans a German would have to take it in stride too. But it’s just asinine to want to blame any country for a disease that came from an animal. One planet people, we share it, get over it.
Your point? The US has been to war against the PLA by proxy twice. The US has not attacked the CCP. On the contrary, the United States rescued them from the Imperial Japanese forces. They unleashed this, it is 100% their fault. They are now convincing their subjects that we did it while encouraging such propaganda as cited in post #6 of this thread.

That is yet another attack by them against the US. They are belligerent, just as they are increasingly in other ways and in other regions. Particularly in economic ways, they have repeatedly threatened and attacked the United States, unilaterally. This is after decades of friendly gestures by the US and special treatment in regard to trade.

Fuck them.
Oh I guess with our corporations and businesses using their countries resources and people to produce our throw away goods that we as Americans love so much and have to have at a reasonable price means that they can't take and also produce that product. Yeah it sucks that they try to flood the US market with copycat goods and companies get stuck in the middle being asked to warranty that product. Pissed about that then blame market sites that allow it to happen, companies like Ebay, or Amazon. I've got a close friend who does battle with China based companies doing patent work most being protection and infringement law. The first thing she says is that our companies didn't have to use China based manufacturing, but they did because they were greedy. I respect companies that are based and manufacture 100% of their goods here in the USA, to bad most of the ingredients aren't sourced here as well. Also sucks that the average working class American can't afford to support the companies that do it.
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