Boy or girl?


Active Member
First pic almost looks like Pollen sacs, or a Calyx without pistils yet.. give it a few more days to tell IMO :leaf:

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
yup my money is on a girl, longer it takes to show the better ur chances is is too>>> my males showed up first , then the hermies , then the females :) keep a close eye on it tho, ya dont want no smelly male bits sneaking up on you like they tried to with me lol


I'd say this Asian strain sure is in no hurry to show her female curves. I am still not convinced it's female, maybe my newbie eye, at least I see no little balls anywhere.

Seeded sep 1st.

Veged 11 weeks on 20/4 cycle with 4 x 6500 K and 2x 4100 K light until yesterday nov 10.

Now in flowering mode, seems I am pushing her by going into flowering, although clusters of baby leaves have been popping everywhere, no hairs.
Definitely getting too tall, why I switched to flowering, 3 ft now with bucket, I made 5 clones using different techniques and a cardboard growbox for them with 18/6 light.


Using vertical 3 X 2 T8 tubes, 4 at 3000k, 2 at 4100K, heavy foliage at bottom, good penetration as the fluo units are hooked righ on the edge of the 5 gal bucket at 9-12 and 3 o clock, at 6 o clock I use a clamp on 43W/150 CFL, easy to remove when I open the closet, and on top with chains I have a 2x2 foot fluo with 3000K tubes. Notice how thick the foliage is on the lower half in the closet pic. The Asian girls usually grow tall and skinny. Vertical tubes and penetration I say.

Very healthy and easy maintenance so far, lucky this appartment came in with a built-in air exchanger right there in the closet with exhaust intake, no mold, no bugs. :)
Until I have a base,ment of my own, I stay away from HID and HPS for now as I would never dare put my family at risk with the heat involved, even very careful with the 43 watt (150 w) CFL., gets hot.



Damn, still a little hard to tell, seems to look like a female, but it may be too early still, this is the 2nd day? I've notice mine usually take about 3 to make the first quantitative change, I'd just watch it closely and post more pics in a maybe 6-10 hours.