Bowls, Bongs or Blunts for Becca

Aww thanks everyone you peeps are very kind indeed.....Bit of a pick me up tonight my 10 yr old played baseball this evening...He is a pitcher.....pitched 3 innings.....Had 4 runs scored on him then he went to work LOL.....Proceeded to strikeout 8 batters and catch a pop fly in 3 innings of pitching. I think his big sister was lending a hand tonight. I was so proud I cried right there in front of some of the other parents......The whole team and all the parents were cheering him on. They ended up tying the game with my son hitting a single and scoring home. This is his first year of pitching.....I've been working with him for a few weeks now.
due to a legal situation i cant smoke but i wanted to say i read your story and i feel deeply for you, im a pretty blank person but it brought a tear to my eye. I wish you all the best and may you remember the good times.
im so sorry... she's only a few months younger than me. back in march, a girl i used to sit next to in english my sophomore year died of cancer. I dont understand why? why did that have to happen? I remember her bubbly personality and her jokes, the way we used to talk about makeup, etc.... why? kids from my school get shot, get beat to death, but her death is the only one that makes me cry. it hurts so bad to think about her... people went to her funeral who didnt even know her... i didnt go because i was not a true friend, just a good accquaintance. JM, you are always in my heart, a reminder to me.
my next grav toke is going to be for becca.

keep up the great work with your son. keep us updated on how he pitches. id really like to know how he does.

man, this is the first time i've checked out this thread, and i have to say sorry canuck grow, that sucks ass m8... as does cancer really.. my gf now lost her 3 year old son the day after his 3rd birthday due to some form of brain cancer.. i don't know how she goes on each and every day after a loss like that, but she manages to do so fairly well, so i surely know your pain m8.. i'm sure she's always on your mind and in your thoughts, and knowing this, she will never die so long as you keep her memories alive.. i know it's lil consolation, but it is true..
i'll be thinking of your daughter as i try to think of all of the other victims of this terrible disease..

big bong hit for becky.

pretty moving thread, i thought it deserved a bump at the very least.

hope you and yours are ok canuck
man, this is the first time i've checked out this thread, and i have to say sorry canuck grow, that sucks ass m8
Yeah, I never saw this thread before either. But i'm so sorry Canuck, I lost a 5 year old cousin to cancer 2 years ago. I'll take a few dabs for Becca!