Boveda 2 way Humidity Pack Methods


Well-Known Member
Good info,

I'm new to growing but have been reading books and forums for the better part of two years. Coming up on my frist harvest and trying to engage as much as possible before I do.

Not nit picking, just want to respond/add to some of your comments

3. hanging the plant with the leafs on helps absorb moisture from the inner bud
so the dry is more even as many of you have noticed your placing what you think is dry
in a jar or whatever and the next day its to wet.
You talking about fan or sugar leaf? 100% for sure dry with the sugar leafs on, but in the spirit of mold/disease prevention, removing fan leaves before drying is the safer choice.

7.taking it in at out of jars fucks up the Christals try pleated bottom mylar ziplocks from usa emergency supply.
Interesting. I'm not sure how many people your going to convince to switch from glass tho, every dispensary or grow I've ever been to or seen uses glass for curing and storage.

8. drying is 10 times more important than curing
I suppose this is semantics but to make it clear to others, they are equally important if your primary concern is top quality final product. You can't cure properly without drying properly. Perhaps drying is 10x more important to someone that produces on a massive for profit only scale, and is not concerned with the best quality medicine possible.

10 dry trimming is actually faster if you have trimmed a few pounds each way you know this.
Do you mean trimming the surgar leaf after it has been dried but before cure? or after it's ready for storage?

11 70 % is a recipe for mold
True, and I agree his numbers are a bit high. I just want to point out that if done properly mold can be prevented at this level, it's just not a great idea, especially if you have large quantities.


New Member
Good info,

I'm new to growing but have been reading books and forums for the better part of two years. Coming up on my frist harvest and trying to engage as much as possible before I do.

Not nit picking, just want to respond/add to some of your comments

3. hanging the plant with the leafs on helps absorb moisture from the inner bud
so the dry is more even as many of you have noticed your placing what you think is dry
in a jar or whatever and the next day its to wet.
You talking about fan or sugar leaf? 100% for sure dry with the sugar leafs on, but in the spirit of mold/disease prevention, removing fan leaves before drying is the safer choice.
I leave all leafs on it helps ensure the inner bud dries as well those fans suck out lots of moisture
If its not to humid it wont matter if it is to humid get a dehumidifier
7.taking it in at out of jars fucks up the Christals try pleated bottom mylar ziplocks from usa emergency supply.
Interesting. I'm not sure how many people your going to convince to switch from glass tho, every dispensary or grow I've ever been to or seen uses glass for curing and storage.
Jars work ok for small amounts but I never see a pound in a jar. Also they dont work very well
unless the weed is completely dry because if its a little to wet they all stick together and you have a small opening.
Thats why final drying after hanging works well in a bag you can open it and quickly bring down the humidity
I suppose that's why so many north cali growers use turkey bags.

8. drying is 10 times more important than curing
I suppose this is semantics but to make it clear to others, they are equally important if your primary concern is top quality final product. You can't cure properly without drying properly. Perhaps drying is 10x more important to someone that produces on a massive for profit only scale, and is not concerned with the best quality medicine possible. I disagree drying is 10 times more important

10 dry trimming is actually faster if you have trimmed a few pounds each way you know this.
Do you mean trimming the surgar leaf after it has been dried but before cure? or after it's ready for storage?
I mean complety trimming the buds after the hanging plants are dried but before stabilizing the humidity in a bag etc. For large grows after hanging trim off fans cut in t manageable pieces and keep in turkey bags etc while doing the final manicure if its a little wet burp by opening bag. keeping wet to long makes a grass smell.
11 70 % is a recipe for mold
True, and I agree his numbers are a bit high. I just want to point out that if done properly mold can be prevented at this level, it's just not a great idea, especially if you have large quantities.
At 70% a dehumidifier should always be used


Well-Known Member
I dont dry nor cure I throw them In the dryer and make sure i beat the trichs and crystals off amd smoke that shit thats the best way and gives the fine hence of golden brown. Dont believe me try it <~~~~~yes more complete under bullshit I win for the biggest amount of bullshit


Well-Known Member
ok given that this thread has gone to hell and I'm actually interested in serious input and advice on how to use these things, I'm gonna look for or start a different one, lol.

PS> If you had said put em in the washing machine with some ice water I'd be with that, hehe.


Well-Known Member
ok given that this thread has gone to hell and I'm actually interested in serious input and advice on how to use these things, I'm gonna look for or start a different one, lol.

PS> If you had said put em in the washing machine with some ice water I'd be with that, hehe.
Mine don't work at all, and I tried using more than 1.


Edit: I think mine were mishandled by Amazon, I shall call Boveda direct tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't take a scientist or any extra meters or gadgets. Just dry your buds until the stems snap but do not break in two. Then jar them, check them several hrs later if there is substantial moisture build up dump the buds into a paper bag for a couple hrs, then back into jars until the buds are crisp,on the outside, then put BP's in and seal. You can visually check them whenever you want, if you think they are still too moist, open the jars again. I check my buds every week or 2 and give then a gentle spin or shake to keep them from sitting in the same position too long.

Colorado Sam

New Member
Using two plastic tubs, made holes in one tub bottom fitting it on top of other tub with distilled water in the bottom tub. Put cover on top tub. Stiff one is softening. One week into test. I happen to use two smart balance margarine tubs. Will advise. Thinking more holes in bottom of top tub. Used the small Phillips screw driver on multi tool foldout thingy. Lighter warmed the little screw driver just fine. First time using product period.
The set up made all the packets soft again. And seem to be working fine. The stiffest one took 10 days. Besure to keep water level in lower tub low enough not to wet packets.


Active Member
curing is commonly known to take place at 60 to 65% I have found it works well down to 58% anything above 65 to wet
heres a link to my me a favor and subscribe to it...i'm going into week 4 flowering of 3 different strains...its my 5th grow since 2010 and i haven't experienced a great cure as of yet...would love some guidance as i need to get this stuff right...tired of wasting time and money...


Well-Known Member
hey big L looks good!
I like to do a whole hang dry
few days later , ill divide the plant into branches, remove fan leaves, and put it on lines hanging in a box.
I first put them spaced apart, there is a light breeze being pulled through the box, no bud has air directly blowing at it
once the buds start to get more dry i do my trim job. i like to not do it when it's really dry because the leaves aren't pliable. after the final trim I put the buds closer together, and in a few days i shut the fan off and try and make the initial dry last as long as i can.
from here is where i'm gonna do as said above, jar, recheck in 2 hours; redry if needed, then boveda it for a couple weeks, remove the boveda and then shelf it.
A really good method I think is, putting all your bud in a big jar (if mono strain) and when you want some, use another jar to put it into. The big jar should be opened as little as possible, and will help keep your bud fresher than just smoking out of a big ol' jar.
I was thinking of getting a caliber 4 hygrometer, but since i do HVAC i might just get a psychrometer.
if you buy one of these make sure they are programmable (caliber 4 is ) and get the proper calibration kit


Well-Known Member
I've been noticing the advice "dry till it snaps but not breaks" a lot. Even in one of the "grow bibles" I read.

It kind of rubs me the wrong way when I see this. Cuz how can you dry until it doesn't break? That is like saying cook the food until it doesn't burn, hehe.


Well-Known Member
I believe it means to dry until you can bend the stem and it snaps but does not break apart into 2 pieces.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I just keep testing the stems until I get them to kink and stay folded over but not snap off. You really need to be on top of it because, depending on the environment, your buds can really dry quick. Everyone probably has their own desired feel to the "snap".


Well-Known Member
I don't think it matters that much. If my 1/2gal jars are full, I usually put a 8g pack in the bottom, throw buds in and slide a pack down each side of the jar, 3 total.


Well-Known Member
So are the boveda paks good or not, I'm more confused about this than when I started, I wish the ones who are clueless would just shut their traps, I've always cured using the burp method and if I got brown buds using humidipaks I'd be pretty pissed off!
I was always told 55-60 was perfect and boveda is saying 62% is the magic number. So anyone who actually uses this product could please clear things up? Thanks