Bouncin B's 400 watt light rail grow

bouncin b

Hey all. I'm new here and this is my first time posting any grow. I've been watching a while and picked up some good info on the site. Thanks for all the help.
Any questions welcome. Here goes.

Strain: Girl Scout Cookies.

Backstory : I recieved 16 cuts from a friend on 1/29/14. About half were rooted so were left under two foot four bulb fluoros from 1/29/14 until 2/1/14 when I transplanted seven into Roots Organics Soilless Media in one gallon Smart Pots. I added a half teaspoon of Uprising Grow and Foundation to media and watered in with ph 6.0 water. On 2/3/14 I transplanted eight more clones into solo cups with same media, tossed unrooted clone, and watered in with ph 6.0 water. I did not add amendents to these cups. On 2/4/14 I fed seven plants in tray with Soul Synthetics nutrients. Grow, Amino-Aide, and Infinity, all at 5ml per galllon. The pics attached were taken on 2/4/14 about an hour after watering. Today, 2/7/14, I am going to feed all the plants with the same mixture, but I am going to add 5ml per gallon of Hygrozyme. I will post more pics this evening after watering.

Setup: I am using a Sun System Digital 400/250 hps metal halide grow light. It will use either mh or hps bulbs and run them at 250 or 400. I can put in a 400 watt metal halide and dim it to 250 which is cool, but I don't do it. The light is on a Light Rail 3.5 and I can adjust the wait time at either end of the rail. It only moves about eighteen inches right now, but that's all I need. I run the mh at 400 for 18 on and 6 off until they are tall enought to flip to 12/12. I've never measured the heighth when I flip, but with the world wide weed web now watching, I just might. I have no glass in the light but I connect a fan with ductwork to it so it pulls cold air from the bottom of the closet (where there is a slight opening in the plastic, about 10 inches above the floor) throught the light and ductwork, and blows it back into the room. It keeps my spare room a nice temperature. I fluctuate in the closet with light on from 78 to 84 and light off from 70 to 76.

Nutrients: I am feeding these ladies with the Soul Synthetics line up from Aurora Innovations. I have used their whole line of nutrients and amendments and many other companies. These ones just stuck. We'll see. I ph my feedings from 5.8 to 6.4, depending. I also foliar feed multiple times a week. I will post more info on that later.


bouncin b

Here are the pics after watering. I did forget to mention that I topped the plants in the tray. 3 on 2/3, and 4 on 2/4. I fed with SS grow, trinity, amino, and hygrozyme all at 5 ml/gallon. I also foliar fed with Overgrow. It was a free bottle from hydro store, and it seems to work. I will alternate between a humic spray or a kelp spray, pretty randomly. If the plants tell me not to use it again I won't.


bouncin b

All is well with the Girls. I will post new pics tonight when the light comes on. I did foliar feed with Overgrow last night (2-10) when the light came on and all seems well.

bouncin b

Tonight is the start of the 7 Girl Scout Cookies clones 13th day since transplant into 1 gallon Smart Pots. I fed them with Soul Synthetics Grow, Infinity, and Amino-Aide at 5ml/gallon, Grow-N at 1ml/gallon, and Hygrozyme at 5ml/gallon. I ph'd the nutrients to 6.0 again. I didn't foliar feed tonight. I'm thinking another week before I flip to flower time. Pics are from when lights came on. I did remove each plant today to inspect and train. I removed some smaller leaves and pinched a few stems, but nothing too aggressive. I did notice that every plant has roots poking out the bottom of their containers and they are needing to be fed every other day. I will need to set up the drip system within the next week.


bouncin b

The Girl Scout Cookies clones I recieved have been vegged for 2 weeks under a 400 watt metal halide. I flipped the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12 on 2/15/14, their first day of flower. They recieved four days of 12/12 with the metal halide and then switched to the 400 hps on day 5, 2/20/14. I have been increasing the amount of lollypopping and training since the flip. A bit each day until about day 10. Last night I fed with 5ml of grow, 10ml bloom, 5ml amino-aide, 2ml grow-n, 10ml infinity, and 10ml big swell. Ph at 6.0. The foliar feeding program has been working great. Overgrow, extreme serene, ancient amber, liquid light, and saturator. They get alternated, not fed at same time. Probly only for another week or so. Pic 1 is day one of flower. Pic 2 and 3 are on day 4. Pic 4 is day five, first with hps on. Pics 5 and 6 are the roots growing into the smart pot fabric. Thanks for checking my grow out.


bouncin b

Yo RIU. Sorry it's been awhile since I posted anything. Life has been busy. I snapped a few pics just before the lights came on to post something new. Today is day 21 in flower. I am feeding them with Soul Synthetics nutrients. Bloom, 15ml/gallon; Amino-Aide, 2ml/gallon; Grow-N, 1ml/gallon; Infinity, 10ml/gallon; Big Swell, 15ml/gallon; and Hygrozyme, 10ml/gallon. This is pretty much the feeding schedule that Aurora Innovations sends in its player pack. The grow medium is Roots Organics Soilless Media in 1 gallon Smart Pots. I am to the point that I am feeding almost every day. I Ph the nutrient solution to 6.0 using my new Blue Lab ph pen (since my Hanna took a shit). Thanks for looking.

