BounceBack - anyone tried this organic fertiliser ?



Anyone tried this organic fertiliser from Neutrog ?

It is made from composted chicken manure:


Bounce Back is a unique blend of the highest quality organic fertiliser and natural minerals, specifically formulated for the most effective and safe feeding of all your garden plants.

Bounce Back promotes natural, healthy plant growth. Essential plant nutrients are released slowly into the soil, stimulating microbiological activity, making further nutrients available to the plants.

Bounce Back also helps the development of healthy, well structured soils. It promotes microbial and earthworm activity which bind soil particles together to improve soil structure and tilth. Better soil structure allows roots to grow unrestricted in a nutrient rich environment.

Bounce Back is manufactured from manure - one of nature’s oldest and most natural fertilisers.

This product is composted and steam treated to ensure it is pathogen and weed free. It is then pelletised for easier and cleaner handling.

Slow release Applications

Analysis (Approx) (dry weight basis) %W/W:
Moisture 130 130 g/kg
Nitrogen N 30 g/kg
Phosphorus P 15 g/kg
Potassium K 21 g/kg
Calcium Ca 22 g/kg
Sulphur S 3.7 g/kg
Magnesium Mg 4.5 g/kg
Zinc Zn 235 mg/kg
Manganese Mn 370 mg/kg
Copper Cu 30 mg/kg
Iron Fe 1255 mg/kg
Product Density 650 kga/m3
Organic Matter 650 kg/m3

Please let me know any experience or opinions you may have had.
