bought seeds .hope for the best


as youve gussed on my first grow . hav spare room so got some white w seeds germanite no prob. put frame together and put white aeroboard ins. all round . stuck in 250w cfl. and placed my plant under 5 or 6 or 7 weeks later its about 9 or 10 inch tall bout really bushy and thick . its as wide as 10l pot and growing bushir daily . it looks real good but just not growing taller . hav i problem or should i start to flower


Active Member
well you probaly got a short strain
i got a northern lights that was about that tall witch is a short strain also

how close do you have the light?


right now its about 3 or 4 inch bout i had it 12 or 14 maybe more cause i thought too near was why it was growing out instead up . should i start to flower


Active Member
well cfls can be real close like mine are about an inch away from my tops
and i only veg. mine for 6 weeks before i started to flower

but mine was showing pre flowers.

if yours is 7 weeks old i would say yes then, but it depends on how much space you have too?


space no prob. width and lenth as long as not more than 7 ft tall . should of kept timetable . 2nd grow will be done wit millatery presion


yeah hav pictures , there on my rollup page .cant seem to post them . can you look maybe . they were takin few days ago .


Active Member
yeah they look a bit small for 6 or 7 weeks

but that light as close to the top as you can!
just put you hand over your plant and move up to the light
when you start to feel a little heat and it is to hot for your hand
that should tell you how close you can be from the top of you plant with the light

but it looks pretty healthy
it probaly needs a couple more weeks before i would start to flower

here is what mine look like the day i put it on the flower cycle



cool . mines half the size . my fault cause no experince . kept too far from light for 2 or 3 weeks . if i leave for another week or 2 will i be ok ....