Bought nutes.. right one?


Active Member
Hey I just bought some nutes. The NPK is 30-10-10. It's Miracle-Gro Azalea Camellia Rhododendron Plant Food. I have 2 plants about 2 weeks old and i'm wondering if i should start using or not.. on one of my plants the embryonic leaves are turning yellow but the plant is fine..

It says for indoor plants- "Mix 1/2 teaspoon per 2 quarts of water every 2 weeks. We do not recommend foliar (leaf) feeding for house plants"

what the hell does that mean?



Well-Known Member
Too early to start feeding. Wait another month to month and a half. They'll do fine soaking up nutes from the soil right now. Feed them too early and they'll get nute burn, and if you're in Miracle grow soil right now the plant that's embryonic leaves are turning yellow may be showing signs of over feeding already. It's way easier to deal with nute deficiencies than toxicity


Well-Known Member
im not an expert. but marijuana is not an acid loving plant.

id say those nutes are not good. maybe you should of asked then bought?


Active Member
I was reading here somewhere that someone was using 20-10-10 and it was good... so i figured this would work. only 4 bucks.


Well-Known Member
It will work. But its not good. Yes it has big high numbers, but it doesnt have them in the right ratio weed needs. Yes you can use it and yes it will work but its not the best. Also, when they say dont foliar feed that means dont spray it on your leaves. It will burn them either just from the chemical burning or if you spray when lights are on the lights will burn them where the water droplets are. Any way you look at it miracle grow is bad news. Either go to a local hydroponic store (yes, you probably have one, youve just never looked so you dont know) or order them online.

Oh and it says 1/2 teaspoon per 2quart. Thats for acid loving plants. I would go more with 1/2 teaspoon per GAL.


Well-Known Member
No, i say that would be ok. Just dont pour it on the leaves. Miracle grow is bad about burning leaves when sprayed or spilled. My friend sprayed his planted with very diluted miracle grow, against my best advice, and i swear it only took 3 days and it was completely dead. Every leaf was brown and dead. It was amazing how fast it killed it. But hey you said it yourself, it was only 4 bucks. So you wont be losing much if you dont use it and get some good nutes. If you are going to put a couple of months into growing this awesome plant, dont you thinkyou should do it to the very best of your abilities?


Well-Known Member
Miracle-Gro Azalea Camellia Rhododendron Plant Food is a Acidic Plant food as Azaleas ,Camellias and Rhododendrons need a Acidic soil.. Thats why it states its for those types of plants....MJ doesn't it will mess up your soil ph.. Buy something else...


Active Member
Whats the best nute I could get maybe at lowes or walmart or something other than a hydroponic store. the closest one is in the city about 30 minutes away


Well-Known Member
i drive 30 for mine bro.....nothin at those paces are gonna have a "plant" specific nute product like you need for the weed you want. I pay 18 a bottle. 3 bottle per stage so what....$60 for the veg and $60 more for the flowering cycle. 30 min is nada if you wanna grow the best you can. Hell i'm new, reeeeeeeal new to this but decided if i'm gonna do it do it right. Scour this site man. Lots of great info.


Well-Known Member
Umm, 30min isnt that bad of a drive if you want to grow good pot. If you are going to invest about 3 months of your time and money into this shouldnt you do it the very best you can? Why would you want to go to walmart and buy something that simply "works". Dude, suck it up and drive 30min. When you get there dont say you're growing weed (im sure you know that) But its kinda an unspoken rule in hydro stores that they know what you are growing. Just asking them for something for veg phase and flowering phase. They will give you what you need. And if you are growing soil a must buy is CalMag Plus by Bontanicare (ask for it) This prevents calcium, magnesium, iron, and alot of other defiencies which are almost always present in soil. As far was brands i use Earth Juice and Botanicare Pureblend series cause they are organic and work very well. Just ask the person at the store for help. It will get you started then you can buy other stuff as you need it. Like microblast, superthrive, tiger bloom, etc. (Stuff thats not necessary but help tremedously) Dont get stuff at lowes and homedepot, its not for growing weed. Stuff at those places are almost always chemical fertilizers. I dont want to smoke that stuff, do you? And you will almost for sure burn your plant up being so new. Its almost impossible to overfert with organics. Just go get good stuff dude, you wont regret it.


Active Member
Ok, so Ill take a trip down there... as far as what i'm going to get.. i've heard alot of good things about Fox Farm. I think i'm just going to buy something for vegging now and then take another trip to get stuff for flowering later when the time comes..

help me out! this is what I have to chose from

Nutrients and Additives


Active Member
I started growing 1 and a half months ago, mabey a little longer. anyways I use Fox Farms "Grow Big" and man does that stuff work. I also got that 6 dollar ph tester kit thing.. I know cheap, But wadda ya do.. Anyways I am now using 10 ML of Grow big Per watering..

My plant was around 10 inches when I started Nutes Last Thursday, And now She is at 19 and 3 quarter inches. I am a super newb to growing, But it seems to me that Fox Farms is the way to go.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Foliar is spraying the leaves to feed. DO NOT USE ANYMORE OF THE M_GROW YOU HAVE ! If you gotta go with miracle gro try the "all purpose. It's 24-8-16....what you need for the veg state, lots of N. Dude read all you can on this subject. This site is perfect. I used m gro all purpose, just a pinch in a sprayer so the water was a very very light blue and foliar fed every couple days and it worked great with my other nutes. Reading alot now that says avoid it all together so I will on future grows. Go to a "ponics" store my man. You'll be like a kid in a candy store.


Active Member
top a trip down there... didn't take too long. I bought a bottle of Ionic Grow and the guy gave me a free thing for cloning... like the little dirt pods you put them in lol he gave me 3 of them. that store is sweeeettt. Anyways, I mixed 10ml with 2l of water, which is what it called for... just watered my plants with it... i think im gonna use it everyyyyy, 4 days?


Well-Known Member
If it is organic use it EVERY time you water. If you arent sure how to use it the best thing to do is follow the instructions on the back. And there is no set amount of days when you water. You water when your plants need it. Do not over water them dude, its the most common mistake. The best way to beat this is wait until you see the dirt start coming away from the sides of the pot and it will be a lighter color. Dont water them every 3 or 4 days just because, only water when they need it. You can also stick your finger down in the dirt. When its dry up to about your knuckle then you water. Water slowly then stop and let it soak in. Then water slowly again, let it soak. Do not just pour it in or it will run straight through. Water slowly and when you see it kinda trickle out of the bottom thats enough. As for spraying the leaves, DONT! Just stay away from that. Theres not any good facts or evidence that its worth the trouble. Plus, its easy for new growers to burn the fuck out of your plants. You have your grow, now just listen to your plant. Dont go out and buy a shit load of stuff just because the guy at the store wants to sell it ( i bet he makes commission off everything he sells) or because people on here say they grew 10lbs with it. Only buy what your plant needs. Read EVERYTHING you can read. And take a very very detailed journal of your grow. Like when you water, what time you water, the temp and humidity a few times a day. Write down the growth, write when you see problems and when the problems go away. WRITE EVERYTHING!!! Trust me, this will come in handy more than you will ever know.


Active Member
i shit you not. i just got home from work for lunch and the leaves are bigger. swear to god no joke.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah dude!! Just wait and see, they will grow every day. Now the fun begins!! So, what all did you change, what did you do?