Bought my Gear Today, Seedling and Before Grow Room pictures.


That's awesome, and you just use those throughout the veg and flowering cycles? Just switching the hours to stimulate the two different growths ?


yup. They are not as bright as a HPS bulb however. but you get a lot more blue.
i'll have to give it a try, ive spent so much money already that I dont know how I'm going to get enough to get the lights, but i'm glad that I still have 2 weeks till I'll desperately need em.


Here's an update. My babies, now named, on Oct 27th.

We've got Levine, Shirley, Oprah, Mary Tyler Moore and Wilma.

Let me know how you think they look...

Pictures of my setup too.

It's averaging 80-84 in that room and the humidity is around 60%.

The hose is on top of the Bright Wing to balance it out on the yo-yo. Looks stupid I know. But gotta do what I gotta do.

My plan is to keep em vegging on a 24 hour time schedule for the next 2 weeks then 12/12 em under a 1000w hps. Sound crazy ?



Active Member
Those are very happy little clones. The hose thing is funny. I had to use a couple dozen metal washers to ballance out a home made spreader bar for my light rail in my last room. Fuck it your not trying to win the prettyest grow room of the year award your trying to grow large quanitys of high grade reefer. It seem your day went better than mine. I had a little flood today.


Active Member
I am not a fan of the Alaska light cycle. It just seems to me that you should try to mimic what the plants have been breed over 1000s of years to expect. My plants seem to do most of their growing at night when the lights are off. I am not going to say i have scientific proof although I am pretty sure it is out there. When my lights went off yesterday my plants were about 3" away from the light. I had to raise my lights this morning because they were touching the glass this morning. My best advice is trial and error. Everyone has an opinion.
Here's an update. My babies, now named, on Oct 27th.

We've got Levine, Shirley, Oprah, Mary Tyler Moore and Wilma.

Let me know how you think they look...

Pictures of my setup too.

It's averaging 80-84 in that room and the humidity is around 60%.

The hose is on top of the Bright Wing to balance it out on the yo-yo. Looks stupid I know. But gotta do what I gotta do.

My plan is to keep em vegging on a 24 hour time schedule for the next 2 weeks then 12/12 em under a 1000w hps. Sound crazy ?


+rep, thank you. They seem like theyre pretty happy. I think I'm going to switch to a 18/6 light cycle soon. Thanks for the thought.

I just threw in 2 seeds from this cali outdoor bag i got. one already sprouted in my cabinet :D


No love from anyone else? I put two seeds into germ that I found in this outdoor Cali bag I picked up. Gonna put them straight into flower for shits n giggles.

Bought a 600w reflector with a digital ballast today for $200 !!!! This guy is selling em with 6-8" flanges 600 and 1000 watters for 200-225. If anyone is interested let me know, I can hook you up.


Active Member
$200 aint bad. post a pic. What kind of ballast and hood?

No love from anyone else? I put two seeds into germ that I found in this outdoor Cali bag I picked up. Gonna put them straight into flower for shits n giggles.

Bought a 600w reflector with a digital ballast today for $200 !!!! This guy is selling em with 6-8" flanges 600 and 1000 watters for 200-225. If anyone is interested let me know, I can hook you up.


Active Member
$200 ain't bad since you don't have any electronics to worry about you should be fine. Does the Euro hood have air cooling vents. I think it does if I remember right. If not I highly recommend getting an air cooled hood. It is not quite as important with a 600 watt light as it is with a 1000 watt light but it is still recommended. You can get you lights right down on top of you plants. This is kind of important with 600 watt lights. Remember for ever foot of distance from the bulb your lumen's will fall off by half. 100, 50, 25, 12.5 and so on. The thing you need look out for with digital ballasts is RF (Radio Frequency) interference. A good way to check for this is with a transistor radio on AM. Plug your light in with the radio on and listen for interference. If you get a change in the static you might try replacing the socket cord with a shielded one. You might not have any problems at all but if you do those are a few of the things you can do.
It's a HTG Digital Ballast and a 600w Euro reflector, i'll get some pics up ASAP


awesome yeah, I read about the Radio Frequency thing, I'm going to have to give that a try. I heard its basically a pinpoint to your location if the officials find out about it. My plants did not respond well to the 600w, I put it more than a foot above the plants but I think the real problem was with the nutes I think my PPM was too high. I'll take some pictures later tonight and put em up.

But for an update, they're looking really bushy and compact which is exactly what I wanted, I figure in 2 weeks I'll start flowering.

The nutes I'm using right now are:

Diamond Nector
Floralicious Plus

tea tree

Well-Known Member
good job. I veg under 24 hourd too. I also am only using hps for both veg and flower. I use lumatel digis, a few and I have no complaints. Get a purple one and they are fine and under warranty for five years. They really are 30 percent brighter than mags. It is very visible. No rf or breakage. That was a long time ago for that. Also with those dual arc bulbs you give up a lot of lumens. That one bulb was only 61000 lumens! That is low. I hope for at least 90 from a 600 hps. I got the idea that it was ok to veg with hps from Lucas of "ask lucas" fame and I like it. More lumens. Ebb and flow rocks. Intersting strains, never heard of. Cant wait to see how vegging under a small light for a big setup works. I am going smaller to a sim setup.


thanks for posting, yeah theyre doing a lotttt better since I changed the rez, I got some nute burn on the lower fan leaves, only lost 1 leaf. phew.
but they've bounced back up already in 2 floods(8 hours). I expect to start flowering in about a week, two weeks if I feel like they need some extra time at the end of the first week.

oh the seperation anxiety with them, know I know what it's like to have children. haha

so now I've got an extra 1000w hps setup I need to get rid of, ebay or craigslist?

here's some pictures I took just now.

The one leaf that fell off :(((

The bigger four, the one closest to the bottom right corner is prolly gonna be my mother plant. it's a lot bigger than the others.

Side view.

the smaller 3, the bigger one on the left is the only one i tried topping this time, 2 new stems are already growing :)

some nuteburn i encountered from too high of ppms in my rez.


Active Member
What kins of 600 watt bulb puts out over 90,000 lumins. A hortilux puts out 88,000? Please point me to this bulb as I have never seen it.

good job. I veg under 24 hourd too. I also am only using hps for both veg and flower. I use lumatel digis, a few and I have no complaints. Get a purple one and they are fine and under warranty for five years. They really are 30 percent brighter than mags. It is very visible. No rf or breakage. That was a long time ago for that. Also with those dual arc bulbs you give up a lot of lumens. That one bulb was only 61000 lumens! That is low. I hope for at least 90 from a 600 hps. I got the idea that it was ok to veg with hps from Lucas of "ask lucas" fame and I like it. More lumens. Ebb and flow rocks. Intersting strains, never heard of. Cant wait to see how vegging under a small light for a big setup works. I am going smaller to a sim setup.


Active Member
Get on eBay and find a cheap particle pen. If you are going to do hydro you must have one!!! a pH pen too.

thanks for posting, yeah theyre doing a lotttt better since I changed the rez, I got some nute burn on the lower fan leaves, only lost 1 leaf. phew.
but they've bounced back up already in 2 floods(8 hours). I expect to start flowering in about a week, two weeks if I feel like they need some extra time at the end of the first week.

oh the seperation anxiety with them, know I know what it's like to have children. haha

so now I've got an extra 1000w hps setup I need to get rid of, ebay or craigslist?

here's some pictures I took just now.

The one leaf that fell off :(((

The bigger four, the one closest to the bottom right corner is prolly gonna be my mother plant. it's a lot bigger than the others.

Side view.

the smaller 3, the bigger one on the left is the only one i tried topping this time, 2 new stems are already growing :)

some nuteburn i encountered from too high of ppms in my rez.