Bottom trimming?


Hey all,
I saw on one of the Jorge Cervates vids that one grower trimmed all the leaves and non budding branches at the bottom of the plants.
I have 12 plants that the bottom braches do not get any direct light. Should I be trimming these all off in order for it to focus more energy on the bud production?

Plants are in about the 4th week of flowering and really starting to thicken out now.




Active Member
If youre going to cut them do it now, they are already pretty far into flowering. This is a your call kind of thing as either outcome is fine, cut it and be done or let it grow and deal with the "larf" airy bottom buds in trimming.

I understory my plants really high up to the scrog netting.


I may just leave these ones as is but wondering if there is real benefit from trimming up the bottom leaves in terms of overall bud production. I assume around the first week or so of flowering is best as to not shock the mid flower.


Well-Known Member
I trim the bottom, but not to focus on the top but to make better airflow over the tops of the pots to reduce mold and to make it easier for me to get my watering hose in there.


Well-Known Member
Like ibex said if you are going to, do it now.I like to do it to increase airflow and most of the time that bottom larf is not good or not as good as the tops,and it is a pain to trim.Some people dont touch it and that is fine to i just perfer to trim them up.


Well-Known Member
I lollipoped on my last grow and I will never turn back.
Whole helluva difference in bud production.


Will trimming now stunt my growth for any amount of time or will they recover in a day or few days? If I am going to do it, today will be the day.