Bottom sets of leaves turning brown as plant grows... HELP PLZ?!?


Active Member
My plants have been doing great, other than the bottom leaves. It was just the first seedling leaves that turned brown and dry, and now im noticing that as the plant grows more, the bottom sets of leaves slowly start "dying" or turning brown and dry. What could i do to stop this? The rest of the plant seems to do GREAT, but as it progresses, lower leaves die away.


Active Member
how old is it and whats the size? r u using nutes yet?:blsmoke:
Its about 6 inches tall now, lots of leaves, but as it grows more sets, the bottom leaves wither, its like the growth just stays at the canopy. And about 4 weeks old. No nutes yet, kinda waiting till the plant gets going better.


Active Member
usually the bottom leaves start to fall off or turn brown. thats what my bottom leaves did and my plant is 1 mont and 17 days old and its doing great. is it your fan leaves that are coming off or what?


Active Member
usually the bottom leaves start to fall off or turn brown. thats what my bottom leaves did and my plant is 1 mont and 17 days old and its doing great. is it your fan leaves that are coming off or what?
Yeah its moved on to the fan leaves. Top 5 sets of leaves look good, but its almost like when another set grows, a bottom set of leaves starts to turn brown n crispy.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure it's natural for the plant to do that but do what goodgreen said and get some light on the bottom, your plant will love that.


Active Member
i cut my brown leaves on my plants. once i see um brown i cut em.. that means that the buds are collecting the water before the leaves so im always helping the buds! lol... so i would cut them.

than after a good smoke session thats when i check my plants so everytime i cut a leave i would put my saliva on it and tell 'em sorry for cuttin u put dat leave jus had to go. it is natural thc in my mouth so rub a little saliva on the cut part it heals better.

plus the leaves on the bottom of the plant needs support from bigger leaves on top to block the strong sunrays. it would help if it had little leaves creating shade for some leaves below. depends on your weather. continue to water them. 12 hours of sun/12 hours of moon.
hope it helps.